O enfermeiro e sua participação no processo de reabilitação da pessoa com estoma
El enfermero y su participacion en la rehabilitacion de personas con estoma

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 17 (3), 2013
Publication year: 2013

O estudo teve como objeto o papel do enfermeiro no processo de reabilitação dos estomizados, destacando-se sua inclusão laboral. O objetivo foi discutir, a partir do ponto de vista do estomizado, as orientações fornecidas pelos enfermeiros em relação à inclusão laboral. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritivo-exploratória, qualitativa, realizada com vinte estomizados definitivos, em um instituto de reabilitação localizado no Rio de Janeiro, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados revelaram que poucos estomizados foram orientados pelos profissionais de enfermagem a respeito do retorno às atividades trabalhistas, e que os referidos profissionais não foram citados como essenciais para o processo de reabilitação dos sujeitos do estudo. Conclui-se que há lacunas e equívocos neste processo de reabilitação, principalmente em relação às orientações sobre a inclusão social pelo trabalho, que podem ser ocasionados pela falta de conhecimento dos enfermeiros em relação à temática, e pela não aplicação da Sistematização da Assistência em Enfermagem.
The object of this study is the role of the nurse in the process of rehabilitation of persons with stomas, with emphasis on their inclusion in work. The objective was to discuss, from the perspective of the person with a stoma, the guidance provided by the nurses in relation to inclusion in work activities. It is descriptive-exploratory qualitative research, carried out using a semi-structured interview with twenty persons with permanent stomas, in a rehabilitation institute in Rio de Janeiro. The results showed that few of the people with stomas received guidance from the nursing professionals in relation to returning to work activities, and the health professionals were not referred to as essential for the study's subjects' rehabilitative process. It is concluded that there are gaps and misconceptions in this process of rehabilitation, principally in relation to the advice on social inclusion through work, which may be caused by the nurses' lack of knowledge regarding the issue; and the non-application of Systematization of Nursing Care.
The object of this study is the role of the nurse in the process of rehabilitation of persons with stomas, with emphasis on their inclusion in work. The objective was to discuss, from the perspective of the person with a stoma, the guidance provided by the nurses in relation to inclusion in work activities. It is descriptive-exploratory qualitative research, carried out using a semi-structured interview with twenty persons with permanent stomas, in a rehabilitation institute in Rio de Janeiro. The results showed that few of the people with stomas received guidance from the nursing professionals in relation to returning to work activities, and the health professionals were not referred to as essential for the study's subjects' rehabilitative process. It is concluded that there are gaps and misconceptions in this process of rehabilitation, principally in relation to the advice on social inclusion through work, which may be caused by the nurses' lack of knowledge regarding the issue; and the non-application of Systematization of Nursing Care.