Ambiente e humanizacao: retomada do discurso de nightingale na política nacional de humanização
Ambiente y humanización: la retomada del discurso de nightingale en la política nacional de humanización
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 17 (4), 2013
Publication year: 2013
The objectives were to identify the constituent elements of the environment concept in the official documents of the Brazilian National Humanization Policy and to analyze the relations between these concepts and the promotion of the care environment recommended by nursing.METHODS:
In this qualitative and descriptive research, the eleven HumanizaSUS Brochures of the Brazilian Ministry of Health served as the sources. Lexical content analysis was applied, using the software ALCESTE®.RESULTS:
The specific lexical class about the environment as a humanization instrument revealed elements that approximate nursing knowledge about care for the physical space to promote comfort and wellbeing and the welcoming of users and their family members.CONCLUSION:
The constituent elements of the environment concept in the National Humanization Policy are consistent with Nightingalean thinking, which underlies nursing, its science and its art.
Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar os elementos constitutivos do conceito de ambiente nos documentos oficiais da Política Nacional de Humanização e analisar as relações entre eles e a promoção de ambiente de cuidado preconizada pela enfermagem.