Integralidade no cuidado: estudo da qualidade de vida dos usuarios com tuberculose
Integralidad en el cuidado: estudio de la calidad de vida de los clientes con tuberculosis
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 17 (4), 2013
Publication year: 2013
This study aimed to analyze the QOL of subjects in TB treatment at a health facility in Rio de Janeiro.METHODS:
Cross-sectional study with a descriptive-correlational design and a purposeful sample of 102 patients. We used the instrument ofthe TB Network and WHOQoL-bref.RESULTS:
The inferential analysis revealed that overall QOL is more associated with the psychological domain, followed by the environment, social relationships and, lastly, the physical domain. In view of the results,we can conclude that TB affects the entire universe of the individual, given its physical-organic, psycho-affective and social implications.CONCLUSION:
In providing nursing care, it is important to value the patients' assessment of their life and health, besides theirindividuality and subjectivity, to assure comprehensive care.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a qualidade de vida dos sujeitos em tratamento da tuberculose em uma unidade de saúde do Rio de Janeiro.