The nurse's management in hospitalhealth services: an alternative founded on human values
O gerenciamento da enfermeira em serviços de saúde hospitalares: uma alternativa alicerçada nos valores humanos
El gerenciamiento de la enfermera en los servicios de salud hospitalares: una alternativa cimentada en los valores humanos

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 6 (2), 2002
Publication year: 2002

In Brazil, management inefficienty in health organization has been partly responsible for the discredit fo such sector. When conducting her managerial practice, the nurse performing in this context has not effectively contributed with the development of efficient clinical nursing nor has she collaborated in the solution os specific problems in the area. This predicament makes it impossible to bring about transformations or innovative actions necessary for personalized andqualified care. Consequently, neither the client nor the human capital committed in such assistanceis satisfied, which interfers in the nurse's self-fulfillment...