The selection of nurses for the military of the police officers of the Rio de Janeiro State (1994): historical research

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online); 10 (2), 2011
Publication year: 2011

Study historical-social.


to describe the process of selection of the first class of officers nurses of the Assistant Health Framework in Military Police of the Rio de Janeiro`s State, in 1994.

Historical sources:

written documents and interviews with officers nurses belonging to the first class of the Assistant Health Framework. The findings were organized, classified and contextualized in accordance with the historical method. The analysis of the datas had the theoretical reference of the Pierre Bourdieu`s Theory of the Social World.


The rigor of the selective process has led to the inclusion of candidates suitable for the incorporation of a habitus military that, in the last instance, represented the possibility of learning a habitus appropriate future social position.