Repercussions of the climateric among nurses – an exploratory study

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online); 11 (3), 2012
Publication year: 2012

The climacteric presents some unique features, especially in relation to body functioning. Although women may experience symptoms due to hormonal, physical and psycho-emotional changes, they may claim that there is a lack of information.


To identify the physical effects of the climacteric on professional nurses who are involved directly in healthcare.


This is an exploratory, descriptive study carried out with climacteric professional nurses at a University Hospital in Rio de Janeiro in 2010. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and the results were subjected to content analysis.


Exhausting working hours associated with the physical effects of the climacteric increases the chances of alterations in nurses' personal and professional lives.


Considering that nursing is still a predominantly female profession, it is important to look at these professionals from a specific viewpoint, and take the repercussions of the climacteric period into consideration, including in terms of their professional processes and, ultimately, their life as a whole.