Posição corporal e oxigenação parte 1 - pacientes com disfunção unilateral
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 23 (3), 1989
Publication year: 1989
Este estudo verificou o efeito das posições sentada, supina e laterais sobre os gases do sangue arterial, em pacientes com disfunção pulmonar unilateral, no pós-operatório recente de cirurgia cardíaca. Os gases sangüíneos foram mensurados após o paciente deitava-se sobre o lado do pulmão considerado sadio ou em supino, a PaO2 foi significativamente superior. No entanto, na posição deitada sobre o lado afetado, houve piora significativa da PaO2.
The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of sitting, supine and laterals positions on arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) and arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaO2), in 21 adults patients, carier of some pulmonary unilateral disfunction, in recent post-operative cardiac surgery. The diagnosis of the pulmonary disfunction was done through radiographic torax evaluation. The patients stayed during 15 minutes in each position and after this, the arterial blood gases were measured. Based on Friedman test and Multiple Comparation test (alfa=0,05), it was found that the PaO2 was significantly higher when the patients were lying on the healthy side or in supine position; the PaO2 was significantly lower when the patients where lying on the sick side. No significant changes in PaCO2 were noted.