Nursing and the child's rights in Sweden

Rev. enferm. UERJ; 12 (1), 2004
Publication year: 2004

The aim of this paper is to reflect about nursing and the child's rights in Sweden from the nursing perspective, using parts of the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child and scientific studies. A short introduction about Swedish families is included. Every child has a complete integrity, which can be violated or respected. It is unclear at what age a child is a competent to contribute in a decision that regards the child him/herself. Sometimes the child can be seen as competent to give consent to an examination, but not to refuse such an examination. Nurses in Sweden, work to develop the childs rights to be involved in decisions regarding his/her own care and the parents' involvement in the health care. Nurses can get inspitation in caring for children and in involving parents via exchange experiences. Exchanges between Brazil and Sweden are especially interesting as both have a lot of different cultures whithin the country.