A convivência do velho e do novo num contexto que preconiza desinstitucionalização da doença mental

Texto & contexto enferm; 8 (2), 1999
Publication year: 1999

This study was developed in Rio Grande, RS to verify health assistance to those families who live mental disease situations in a Brazilian State where de reformation of Psychiatric Assistance has been promoted. Data were gathered with 32 families who had family members' inpatients in the local psychiatric hospital from October/97 to January/98. The data analysis showed that these families have not received the assistance, even after having requested those legally rightful services. That is, the legal determinations exist and services ate offered by general hospitals and health services of the basic county state network. The results evidences the practice developed by health professional goes against what is stated by law, making these families protagonists of an ambiguous process which represents both a proposal for liberation and a denial of the rights, as well as the restriction of freedom...