Realização de atividades da vida diária por idosos cardiopatas: possibilidades e dificuldades

Publication year: 1999

Este estudo teve como objetivos descrever a capacidade atual de um grupo de idosos cardiopatas quanto à realização das atividades da vida diária, básicas e instrumentais, sozinhos ou com necessidade de ajuda, assim como a presença ou não de dificuldades no desempenho destas tarefas; e, verificar a existência de associação entre as dificuldades para realizar estas atividades e os sinais e sintomas apresentados. Para tal, foi feita uma investigação do tipo descritiva-exploratória, quantitativa, por intermédio de entrevistas com 100 idosos cardiopatas em tratamento ambulatorial. As respostas das questões abertas foram agrupadas e descritas por similaridade; e, foi verificada a associação entre as variáveis: dificuldades para realizar atividades da vida diária e sinais e sintomas, em suas freqüências e intensidade, pelos testes qui-quadrado de Pearson ou pela razão de verossimilhança, considerando os valores de p<0,05 significativos. Houve associação entre a freqüência da dor precordial típica e a dificuldade para caminhar fora de casa; a intensidade da dor precordial atípica e a dificuldade para usar transporte coletivo; a freqüência da dispnéia e a dificuldade para tomar banho, vestir-se, caminhar dentro e fora de casa, usar transporte coletivo, alimentar-se, limpar a casa e subir escadas; e, a intensidade da fadiga e a dificuldade de tomar banho. A avaliação da capacidade funcional de idosos para realização das atividades da vida diária poderá contribuir parao planejamento e implementação de uma assistência integral à saúde desta parcela da população.
The aim of this study is to describe the actual ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL), basics and instrumental, by elderly people with heart disease, and if they required or not some assistance as well to verify the association between difficulties to perform these activities and the signs and symptoms frequency and intensity. It was designed an observational cohort study of 100 elderly with heart disease, who were interviewed and asked to answer questions from a questionnaire. The answers were classified by similarity. It was examined the relationship between difficulties to perform activities of daily living and the frequency and intensity of signs and symptons by Pearson chi-square and lekelihooh Ratio Tests, and meaning values for p<0.05.

The difficulty in performing ADL was associated with the following signs and symptons:

the typical angina and the difficulty of taking public transportation; and, the typical angina intensity and the difficulty walking out of home; the atypical angina and difficulty taking public transportation; frequency of dyspnea and difficulty taking a shower, dressing, walking into and out of home, taking public transportation, preparing the own meal, cleaning the house, climbing upstairs; and, dyspnea intensity and the difficulty dressing, walking out of home and taking public transportation; the tiredness frequency and difficulty taking a shower, dressing, walking into and out of home, taking publictransportation, feeding, cleaning the house, climbing upstais; and, tiredness intensity and difficulty taking a shower, walking into and out of home, taking public transportation, dizziness frequency and difficulty taking a shower, dressing, walking into and out of home and taking public transportation; the frequency of legs pain and difficulty walking out of home, taking public transportation and climbing upstais; and, the legs pain intensity was associated to difficulty to perform own shower. The assessment of functional elederly status by performing the activities of daily living, will contribute to design and to accomplish the holistic health care of this part of population.