Caminho da esperança nas relações envolvendo os idosos: olhar da complexidade sob pandemia do covid-19
Path of hope in relationships involving the elderly: a look at the complexity under the covid-19 pandemic

Publication year: 2020


refletir as relaçõesenvolvendo os idosos durante a pandemia COVID-19 sob o olhar da complexidade, vislumbrando caminho da esperança.


Trata-se de reflexão, alicerçada naTeoria da Complexidade, segundo Edgar Morin e artigos abordando o Novo Coronavírus.


Asvivências durante a pandemia evidenciaramdificuldades econômicas, sociais, de saúde, culturais, éticas e morais em relação aos idosos. Enfrentar as incertezas do COVID-19, ensina o que é inevitável na vida individual, coletiva e na história do país e do mundo, agravada pelos medos da humanidade. Portanto adaptar a sociedade e remodelá-la no que concerne as relações com o idoso, traduz o sucesso contra a doença pandêmica. Isso induz a reforma do pensamento, reorganização das compreensões sobre o idoso, quena atualidade envolve pensamento disperso, disjunto, compartimentalizado e excludente. Esta reforma é ampla...(AU)


to reflect the relationships involving the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of complexity, envisioning the path of hope.


This is a reflection, based on the Theory of Complexity, according to Edgar Morin and articles addressing the New Coronavirus.


The experiences during the pandemic showed economic, social, health, cultural, ethical and moral difficulties in relation to the elderly. Facing the uncertainties of COVID-19, teaches what is inevitable in individual, collective life and in the history of the country and the world, aggravated by humanity's fears. Therefore, adapting society and remodeling it with regard to relations with the elderly, reflects success against the pandemic disease. This induces reform of thought,reorganization of understandings about the elderly, which currently involves scattered, disjoint, compartmentalized and excluding thinking. This reform is broad, profound, paradigmatic, cultural, ethical and moral, a proposal that encapsulates the cultureof aging, propagating and democratizing the poetry of living, allowing the elderly to know the beauty of emotions, discover their own truths through their works of their lives. However, this intention presupposes metamorphosis of individualism, oppressionand exclusion, in this context gerontological nursing is fundamental.


the transformations experienced during the pandemic may be the prelude to the reliable change in relations with the elderly, through multiple processes of reformers and transformers that come together, with the strengthening of gerontological nursing. Perhaps the pandemic moment is the beginning of the path of hope for new times of dignity for Humanity.(AU)