Educar para a Sexualidade com Alunos do 9º Ano: Um Programa de Intervenção em Modo Digital

Publication year: 2021

Adolescence is a stage of life characterized by several changes, physical, psychological, emotional, and social making the approach to Sex Education at the level of the school community crucial. The National School Health Program activities aim to enable individuals to be proactive in the process of life and health. The evidence reinforces the importance of education for health, in adolescence in the school environment, and the sexuality theme. The objective of the intervention project is to promote the training of 9th grade students for a safe and healthy experience of sexuality, due to the Covid 19 pandemic situation, distance education strategies were implemented, using digital platforms for the development of health education activities. Health Planning and Betty Neuman's Conceptual Model were guidelines for the planning and intervention of community nursing activities. The results demonstrate a positive evaluation of the implemented methodology.