Importância da família na prestação de cuidados de enfermagem: Atitudes dos enfermeiros

Publication year: 2022

The family assumes a fundamental role in the life of each individual in the different stages of life, being the basis in times of crisis, change, fulfillment, as well as in health and illness. Regardless of the concept that defines family, its interpretation approaches a systemic view. The family is seen as a system, a whole, a globality that exchanges with the outside world and receives a set of influences from it (open system). It is composed of objects, relationships, and subsystems, simultaneously forming an integral part of other systems, all of which are related and hierarchically organized (Alarcão, 2000). The evolution of nursing care allowed nursing to assume and integrate the family as the focus of their care. In this follow-up, family nursing is directed towards answers to real and potential problems, encompassing the partnership/interaction with the family, highlighting the strengths of family members and the family group, aiming to support them in the search for solutions to the identified problems. The nursing process is the point of origin of nurses' daily practice in health care and in the development of work with the family. Family assessment models and instruments allow identifying the family's needs as well as its dynamics in order to enhance the intervention of the family nurse and thus contribute to the design of care oriented both to data collection and to the planning of interventions of nursing practice with families The Calgary Model of Family Assessment and Intervention focuses on the interaction between all family members, allowing for insight into family dynamics as well as identifying their structural, developmental and functional needs. It is based on systemic thinking and its main concept is nursing interventions with families in order to promote, improve and support family functioning in order to find alternative solutions to reduce and alleviate the suffering of its members. The development of skills for the practice of specialized care in the area of Family Health Nursing, taking into account the common skills of the specialist nurse found in the Regulation of Common Skills of the Specialist Nurse No. 140/2019, of 6 February, published in Diário da República and the Specific Competences of the Specialist Nurse in Family Health Nursing in accordance with Regulation No. 428/2018, of July 16, 2018 of the Order of Nurses took placeat the Ansião Health Center, in the Personalized Health Care Unit, The specialist nurse must have four domains of competences, namely, professional, ethical and legal responsibility, competences in the field of continuous quality improve competences in the domain of care management and competences in the domain of professional learning.

The skills of the specialist nurse in the area of Family Health are divided into two areas:

Caring for the family as a care unit, and for each of its members throughout the life cycle and at different levels of prevention, as well as leading and collaborating in processes intervention, in the context of family health nursing. Nursing is faced daily with challenges that encourage reflection and the search for continuous and specialized academic training in order to offer personal and professional growth and on exercise based on scientific evidence. In this sense, as a future Family Nurse, the need arose to know the nurses’ attitude regarding the importance of the family in caring.


To identify the importance assigned by nurses to the family’s participation in nursing care; to know the attitudes that nurses adopt in the care process; associate the sociodemographic and professional variables of nurses with the practice of centered care in the family.


Quantitative, descripitive, analytical, correlational and cross-sectional study that included a sample of 13 nurses. The instrument used was a questonnaire consisting of sociodemographic and professional questions and the scale “Importance of Families in Nursing Care – Nurses’s Attitudes” (IFCE-AE), validated for Portuguese population by Oliveira, P., Fernandes, H., Vilar, A., Figueiredo, M., Santos, M., Andrade, L., … & Martins M., (2009).


There was a statistical association with the variables: “General approach to family care” in dimensions of the scale “Family: dialoguing partner and coping resource” (p = 0,018) and “Family: resource in nursing care” (p = 0,035) and with the variable “Previous experience with sick family members” in the dimension of the scale “Family as a resource in nursing care” (p = 0,009). In the remaining variables, there was no statistical association in the dimensions of the IFCE-AE scale. With regard to overall IFCE-AE scale (p<0,05), it was observed that there is an association of the variables “General approach for the care of families” (p = 0,015) and “Previous experiences with seriously ill family members” (p = 0,013), with no association for the remaining sociodemographic and professional variables. Regarding the dimensions of the IFCE-AE scale, it was found that the dimension “Family as a dialoguing partner and coping resource” had an average of 41,15, the dimension “Family as a resource in nursing care”, an average of 36,07 and the dimension “Family as a burden”, the average of 8,00. The total average of the IFCE-AE of 104, which demonstrated high of in the study, in relation to family participation in nursing care.