Cargas de trabalho em salas de vacina segundo trabalhadores de enfermagem do Município de Piracicaba
Labor Burden in vaccination rooms according to the nursing staff from the municipality of Piracicaba

Publication year: 2002

O estudo objetivou identificar as carga de trabalho em sala de vacina, sob a ótica dos trabalhadores de enfermagem e propor alternativas interventivas para melhorar as práticas nesse local. Justifica-se a sua importância, por ser a vacinação, uma das intervenções de maior impacto à coletividade. Partiu-se do conceito de cargas de trabalho, em estudos latino-americanos, nos quais se apreende o trabalho como categoria que pode resultar em processos desgastantes ao corpo bio-psíquico. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, feito em unidades de saúde com 70 trabalhadores de enfermagem, cujos dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas. Na infra-estrutura desses locais, detectou-se salas com recursos e materiais adequados, mas precariedade no espaço físico. Dentre as cargas de trabalho, as mais prevalentes foram as psíquicas, principalmente em decorrência da exigência de atenção constante no cumprimento de calendário de vacinação. Estas foram seguidas das cargas biológicas, com destaque ao manuseio de materiais pérfuro-cortantes; as fisiológicas, em virtude da postura no ato de vacinar; as mecânicas, devido ao risco de acidentes por agulhas contaminadas; as físicas, como falta de ventilação, calor e ruído e as químicas, principalmente ao uso de luvas. Conclui-se que os trabalhadores de enfermagem em salas de vacina, requerem a revisão dos processos de trabalho, de forma tal a promover processos potencializadores no seu cotidiano, visando a redução das cargas de trabalho.
This study aimed to identify labor burden in vaccination rooms according to the nursing staff members in order, to propose alternatives intervention to make the practices in these places better. The importance of this study is justifiable because vaccination is one of the interventions that cause the greatest impact on the community. So, we started from the concept of the labor burden used in latin-american studies, in which we consider labor as a category that can result in deterioration processes for the bio-psychic body. It is a descriptive study, carried out with the nursing staff the working in health units of the Municipality of Piracicaba-SP. The data were collected form 70 nursing workers through interviews, by means of an instrument which had aspects referring to the variants that made possible the apprehension of the personal characteristics of the target-population, as well as its working conditions, specially in relation to the identification of the labor burden. Another instrument was also used to identify the available infrastructure in these rooms. The study was submitted to the appreciation of an ethics committee and the data collecting was held from February to April/2002. The results showed that the health units proved to have the appropriate equipment's, but lacked in physical space. In relation to the labor burden, we observed that the most prevalent were the psychic ones, specially because the accomplishment of the vaccination guides demands constant attention. These were followed by the biological burden as a consequence of the manipulation of pierce-cutting material; these, followed by physiological burden as a result of the position adopted by the workers in the vaccinating act. Then, the mechanical burden, related to risk of accidents involving contamined needles; and, the physical ones, due to the local working conditions, such as lack or fresh air, heat and noise. The least mentioned burden was the chemical one, caused by the use of gloves. Therefore, we can conclude that nursing workers in vaccination rooms in this municipality require a revision in their working processes in their daily work.