O ser humano inconsciente: como o seu familiar o compreende

Publication year: 1998

This study has attemped to investigate how the family member who accompanies a hospitalized sick person sees them. Through a qualitative phenomenological approach, the researcher has tried to understand, interpret and reveal the experience undergone by the family member-subject of this research work. He has developed it based on Martin Heidegger's philosophy and has followed Merleau-Ponty's methodological steps of phenomenology. The material was collected at the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre and at the Pronto Socorro Municipal de Porto Alegre, which are places where sick people in a situation of unconsciousness are frequently found. The research enable aspects of the sick person's companion's world-life to be known, leading the researcher to reflec on his caring practise to the family member as well as to the undertanding of the phenomenon characterized in the followuing categories: the sick person in the hospital world; the family member characterizing the sick person; the family member; their worries, commitment and involvement; suffering; a family member's reality; the future being after the illness; the transformation; the world of the care-providers; the family member's appreciation of the care-providers; the meaning of the unconsciousness of the sick being; religiousness, faith and spirituality; the sick person: Their body and their image; the family member: past experiences; the family member's confidence and hopes; From the clarified phenomenon, the researcher reflects on the sensations: sufflering; anguish; anxiety; crying; space; movement; the body; the image; affection; the transformation; the care-providers; the impossibility of a daily life together; God's ways and the finitude.