Resultados: 795

Conforto no final de vida na terapia intensiva: percepção da equipe multiprofissional

Resumo Objetivo Analisar a percepção da equipe multiprofissional sobre o conforto no final de vida na terapia intensiva. Métodos Estudo qualitativo, de caráter descritivo e exploratório, realizado com 50 profissionais da equipe de saúde de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital privado...

Conhecimento e percepções relacionadas ao HIV/AIDS nas comunidades Shuar do Equador

Cienc. enferm; 25 (), 2019
RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar los conocimientos y las percepciones vinculadas con el VIH/SIDA en comunidades Shuar de la parroquia Sevilla Don Bosco - Provincia Morona Santiago, Ecuador. Material y Método: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico, cuyas técnicas de investigación fueron entrevistas en profundi...

Saúde sexual de homens de 25 a 59 anos na atenção primária à saúde

Cienc. enferm; 25 (), 2019
RESUMO Objetivo: Conhecer as demandas do campo da saúde sexual de homens através do relato dos profissionais de saúde da Atenção Primária e identificar que ações são realizadas e direcionadas aos homens para atender suas demandas. Material e Método: Pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa...

Freedom-deprived women: social representations of prison, violence, and their consequences

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the social representations that women deprived of their freedom have of imprisonment, violence, and their consequences. Method: An exploratory-descriptive qualitative study with 15 women from a female penitentiary in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Semistructured inte...

Theoretical model of nursing care for children with obesity

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe a theoretical model of nursing care for children with obesity in Primary Health Care. Methods: Grounded Theory and the theoretical/philosophical framework of Virginia Henderson were used. The research was conducted in Family Basic Health Units and in Specialized Service...

Performance of nurses in the bed management service of a teaching hospital

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the performance of nurses in the Bed Management service of a public teaching hospital. Methods: descriptive, qualitative research inspired by Dubois theoretical model. 32 participants from the bed management unit and care units of a public hospital were interviewed from ...

Teaching in health residencies: knowledge of preceptors under Shulman's analysis

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand how the pedagogical knowledge that integrates the basic knowledge of teaching is perceived by preceptors in residents' teaching-learning process. Methods: a qualitative research conducted by semi-structured interview from December 2013 to July 2014, with 31 preceptors...

Armed conflict at primary care: challenges for practice and training

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the training of Family Health Strategy health professionals who work in dangerous territories affected by the armed conflict and its consequences in their practice. Methods: a qualitative-intervention research carried out with thirteen health professionals, using as a th...

Parental care for infants with feeding tube: psychosocial repercussions

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the psychosocial repercussions experienced by caregiving parents, resulting from care for the child with dysphagic cleft lip and palate. Methods: qualitative study, developed in a tertiary hospital in September 2016. The sample defined by theoretical saturation consis...

Family fortresses in Zika Congenital Syndrome according to Betty Neuman

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify elements that contribute to strengthen the family system of children with Zika virus congenital syndrome according to Betty Neuman's theory. Methods: qualitative research, carried out in the outpatient service of a public hospital in the city of Recife, Brazil, with 13 ...