Resultados: 232

Medication administration safety assessment tool: Construction and validation

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To build and validate the Patient Safety Assessment in Medication Administration (ASPAM - Avaliação da Segurança do Paciente na Administração de Medicamentos) tool. Method: Methodological study in which the construction, Content Validation Index (CVI), construct validation (fac...

Construction and validation of a tool to assess nursing interpersonal relations

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: construct and validate a tool to identify the factors that influence interpersonal relations and the health of nursing workers in a University Hospital in the South of Brazil. Method: methodological study, in nine steps. The face validation was carried out, with the participation of...

Validez y confiabilidad de los instrumentos de percepción de barreras y de beneficios para el ejercicio en adolescentes colombianos

Rev. colomb. enferm; 17 (1), 2018
Objetivo: validar en el contexto colombiano los instrumentos de percepción de barreras y de beneficios asociados a la realizaciónde ejercicio en adolescentes basados en el modelo de promoción de la salud de Nola J. Pender. Metodología: los instrumentosseleccionados fueron sometidos a estos procedimie...

Professional competence of nurses in emergency services: evidence of content validity

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the evidence of content validity of the Identifying Issues (Identification questions) elaborated from the theoretical-logical model of the Matrix and the Profile of Professional Competence of the emergency nurse. Method: Descriptive and methodological study of a quantitati...

Validation of self-assessment instrument for the Patient Safety Center

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop and validate an instrument for the self-assessment of the Patient Safety Centers in health care institutions. Method: Non-experimental methodological study. Divided in the following stages: literature review and construction of the preliminary instrument; content validati...

Booklet content validation on excess weight for adults with hypertension

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To validate the content and appearance of an educational booklet about excess weight for adults with hypertension. Method: Methodological study in which an educational booklet was developed from theoretical material on hypertension, chronic diseases and obesity, as well as guiding p...

Análise psicométrica do índice de vulnerabilidade clínico funcional 20

Introdução: Instrumentos de medida desempenham um importante papel na pesquisa, na prática clínica e na avaliação de saúde. Estudos realizados sobre a qualidade desses instrumentos fornecem evidências do comportamento das propriedades psicométricas avaliadas, o que auxilia o pesquisador e profis...

Content and face validity of the Spanish version of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory for early adolescent girls

Invest. educ. enferm; 37 (1), 2019
Objective. To determine the content and face validity of the Spanish version of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory (O’Sullivan et al.) for early adolescent girls. Mehods. Instrument-based study in which the translation, backtranslation and adaptation of the 34 items of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory ...

Adaptação transcultural de um instrumento de avaliação de feridas

Cogit. Enferm. (Online); 23 (3), 2018
Objetivo: traduzir e adaptar culturalmente o instrumento de Avaliação da Cicatrização de Feridas Crônicas para a língua portuguesa do Brasil. Método: estudo quantitativo, tipo metodológico, seguindo as etapas tradução, síntese das traduções, retrotradução, revisão por um comitê de espec...

Validación del nursing activities score en unidades de cuidados intensivos chilenas

Cienc. enferm; 24 (), 2018
RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar el grado de preservación de las propiedades psicométricas del Nursing Activities Score (NAS), según análisis de confiabilidad y validez del instrumento. Material y método: Estudio instrumental para la adaptación y validación de un instrumento que mide la carga de trabajo...