Resultados: 194

Dificuldades relacionadas à terapêutica medicamentosa no transtorno de ansiedade

Este estudo objetivoucompreender as dificuldades de pessoas com transtorno de ansiedade referente ao seguimento da terapia medicamentosa. Trata-se deestudo transversal, descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido em 2012 com 32 pessoas atendidas em se...

Adesão, conhecimento e dificuldades relacionados ao tratamento farmacológico entre pessoas com esquizofrenia

Rev. eletrônica enferm; 17 (2), 2015
Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a adesão e conhecimento de pessoas com esquizofrenia quanto à farmacoterapia prescrita e identificar as dificuldades relacionadas ao seguimento da terapêutica medicamentosa. Estudo retrospectivo, transversal e descritivo, realizado em ...

Adesão ao tratamento da malária e fatores contribuintes

Rev. eletrônica enferm; 16 (1), 2014
Estudo exploratório, descritivo, transversal. O objetivo foi estimar a frequência de adesão ao tratamento da malária no distrito de Três Fronteiras, município de Colniza, Mato Grosso, descrevendo os fatores que contribuem para a sua ocorrência. Participaram 27 pacientes selecionado...

Adherencia al tratamiento y calidad de vida en personas con infarto agudo de miocardio

Aquichan; 16 (3), 2016
Objetivo: identificar la asociación entre adherencia al tratamiento y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en población con infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM). Materiales y método: estudio cuantitativo de diseño descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. Se eligieron 180 participantes p...

Home Delivery Medicament Program: access, inactivity and cardiovascular risk

ABSTRACT Objective: to verify causes of inactivity in the Home Delivery Medicament Program, as referred by users from a Primary Health Care Service in São Paulo, comparing them to the causes registered in the program and analyzing them in the theoretical model Concept of Access to Health. Methods: c...

Adaptation and evaluation of the measurement properties of the Brazilian version of the Self-efficacy for Appropriate Medication Adherence Scale

Objectives: to undertake the cultural adaptation of, and to evaluate the measurement properties of, the Brazilian version of the Self-efficacy for Appropriate Medication Adherence Scale in coronary heart disease (CHD) patients, with outpatient monitoring at a teaching hospital. Method: the process of cu...

Adherence to antiretrovirals in people coinfected with the human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis

Objective: assess the adherence levels to antiretroviral therapy in people coinfected with HIV/tuberculosis and correlate these levels with the sociodemographic and clinical variables of the study population. Method: cross-sectional study involving 74 male and female adults coinfected with HIV/tuberculo...

Adherence to immunosuppressive therapy following liver transplantation: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate the evidence available in the literature on non-adherence to immunosuppressive therapy among patients undergoing liver transplantation. Method: integrative literature review, including research whose sample consisted of patients aged over 18 years undergoing liver t...

Adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso por pessoas com transtorno de ansiedade

Cogit. Enferm. (Online); 21 (1), 2016
In this study, the factors related to compliance with the prescribed drugs therapy are verified among people with anxiety disorder. Quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study, involving 161 patients from a mental health service in a city of the state of São Paulo, between January 01st and Decembe...

Evaluation of the implementation of the directly observed treatment strategy for tuberculosis in a large city

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (2), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the degree of implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course - DOTS for tuberculosis (TB) in a large city. METHOD Assessment of the implementation of the logic model, whose new cases of infectious pulmonary TB were recruited from specialized clinics and fol...