Resultados: 19

Transition of care at discharge from the Intensive Care Unit: a scoping review

Objective: to map the available evidence on the components of the transition of care, practices, strategies, and tools used in the discharge from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to the Inpatient Unit (IU) and its impact on the outcomes of adult patients. Method: a scoping review using search strategies in...

Teor da informação partilhada entre enfermeiros durante a passagem de turno no serviço de urgência

Referência; serIV (21), 2019
Enquadramento: É reconhecida a importância da partilha de informação na continuidade dos cuidados, sendo um desafio para os enfermeiros a decisão sobre qual a informação a partilhar. Objetivo: Compreender o teor da informação partilhada pelos enfermeiros durante a passagem do turno, no serviço ...

Handover communication in intensive therapy: nursing team meanings and practices

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the meanings built by the nursing team regarding communication at shift handover in intensive care units. Method: A qualitative study, grounded on the theoretical framework of Berlo, was developed in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Rio de Janeiro with the nursing...

Care handover to chronic conditions to regionalized planning

Abstract Objective: To analyze the possibilities of the transition from care to the problem of chronic illness due to the need of regionalized municipal planning. Method: An exploratory qualitative study was carried out in one of the Health Regions of Rio Grande do Sul, together with the Primary Heal...

Transferência de cuidado na perspectiva de profissionais de enfermagem de um pronto-socorro

REME rev. min. enferm; 23 (), 2019
Objetivo: compreender a visão dos profissionais de Enfermagem de um prontosocorro sobre a transferência de cuidado de pacientes. Método: estudo de caso qualitativo, realizado no pronto-socorro de um hospital público, com 14 profissionais de Enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista ...

Communication noise during the nursing team handover in the intensive care unit

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the communication process among the professionals of the intensive care nursing team during the handover, analyzing the existence of noise and its repercussions on patient safety. Method: qualitative and exploratory study, in the light of Berlo, carried out at the intens...

Challenges of Cooperation between the Pre-hospital and In-hospital Emergency services in the handover of victims of road traffic accidents: A Qualitative Study

Invest. educ. enferm; 37 (1), 2019
Objective. To take a deep look at the challenges of cooperation between the pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency services in the handover of victims of road traffic accidents. Methods. This is a qualitative study and the method used is of content analysis type. Semistructured interviews were used to co...

Features of recording practices and communication during nursing handover: a cluster analysis

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 52 (), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To record and identify the characteristics of nursing handovers in a tertiary hospital. Method: Observational study. Twenty-two nurses participated in 11 nursing handovers in 2015/16, using a recorded audio system and an unstructured observation form. Hierarchical cluster analysis w...

Comunicação na clínica do cuidado de enfermagem na terapia intensiva: o caso do handover

Introdução: Unidades de Terapia Intensiva têm como objetivo fornecer suporte a pacientes críticos que exigem cuidados complexos e especializados, realizados por uma equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar, com destaque para o enfermeiro. Neste ambiente, a comunicação está intensamente presente...