Resultados: 2371

Problems associated with alcohol consumption by university students

OBJECTIVES: the aim of this study was to analyze alcohol consumption by university students and psychosocial problems related. METHOD: descriptive correlational study that included 396 university students. The "Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test" - (AUDIT) - and an "ad hoc" questionnaire were used...

Women with breast cancer taking chemotherapy: depression symptoms and treatment adherence

Objective to verify depressive symptoms and adherence to chemotherapy among women with breast cancer who are served by the Pharmacy of the Chemotherapy Center of a university hospital. METHOD: cross-sectional study with quantitative approach conducted with 112 women receiving chemotherapy. Structured int...

Evaluation of the Capillary Blood Glucose Self-monitoring Program

OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the structure, process and results of the Capillary Blood Glucose Self-monitoring Program in a Brazilian city. METHOD: epidemiological, cross-sectional study. The methodological framework of Donabedian was used to construct indicators of structure, process and outcome. A random sam...

Patient safety culture at neonatal intensive care units: perspectives of the nursing and medical team

OBJECTIVE: to verify the assessment of the patient safety culture according to the function and length of experience of the nursing and medical teams at Neonatal Intensive Care Units. METHOD: quantitative survey undertaken at four Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Florianópolis, Brazil. The sample totale...

Validity of the DISABKIDS® - Cystic Fibrosis Module for Brazilian children and adolescents

OBJECTIVES: to validate the health-related quality of life measuring instrument DISABKIDS(r) - Cystic Fibrosis Module (self version) for Brazilian children and adolescents. METHOD: methodological study in which a sample of 113 participants (54 girls and 59 boys; mean age 11.91 years and SD=2.79) was cons...

Cross-cultural adaptation and clinical validation of the Neonatal Skin Condition Score to Brazilian Portuguese

OBJECTIVE: to describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation and clinical validation of the Neonatal Skin Condition Score. METHODS: this methodological cross-cultural adaptation study included five steps: initial translation, synthesis of the initial translation, back translation, review by an Committ...

Factors associated with the frailty syndrome in elderly individuals living in the urban area

METHODS: this cross-sectional, observational and analytical household survey was conducted with 958 elderly individuals living in the urban area. The Brazilian version of the Functional Assessment Questionnaire and Multidimensional Scales (Depression, Katz and Lawton brief geriatric versions) were used, ...

Knowledge about hypertension and factors associated with the non-adherence to drug therapy

OBJECTIVES: to identify the degree of knowledge of people with hypertension concerning the disease and to verify the factors associated with the non-adherence to anti-hypertensive drug therapy. METHOD: Cross sectional study, involving 422 people. Data collection took place at their homes, between Decembe...

Parental stress in mothers of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy

OBJECTIVES: to evaluate parental stress of mothers of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy; to verify whether parental stress undergoes variations according to the level of motor compromise, the child's phase of life, and sociodemographic variables. METHOD: a cross-sectional, descriptive study, w...

Factors related to failure to attend the consultation to receive the results of the Pap smear test

OBJECTIVE: to identify the factors related to the failure of women to attend the follow-up consultation to receive the results of the Pap smear test. METHOD: a cross-sectional study, carried out with 775 patients who underwent the Pap smear test in the Centro de Saúde da Família of Fortaleza, between S...