Resultados: 49

Validation by experts of Risk of suicide Nursing Diagnosis in the elderly

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to validate the conceptual and operational definitions content of factors for Risk of suicide Nursing Diagnosis in the elderly. Method: this is validation of the conceptual and operational definitions content of factors for Risk of suicide in the elderly, performed by 15 experts, fr...

Low Chronic Self-Esteem and Low Situational Self-Esteem: a literature review

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a literature review about low self-esteem and components of the nursing diagnoses Low Chronic Self-Esteem and Low Situational Self-Esteem in patients with depressed mood. Method: an integrative literature review carried out in the Pubmed portal and in the Scopus and Web o...

Úlcera de perna: um estudo sobre registro de diagnóstico e intervenção de enfermagem em prontuário

A enfermagem vem buscando estabelecer sua sistematização do cuidado a partir de um conhecimento científico próprio, diferente do saber biomédico que se propõe a assistir e restabelecer o cliente à sua condição de saúde. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo destacar os diagnósticos de enfermagem das...

Development of research on nursing diagnoses in Brazilian graduate programs

ABSTRACT Objective: to characterize the development of research on nursing diagnoses in nursing graduate programs and verify the application of the results of these studies according to the perception of academic advisors. Methods: documental research on dissertations and theses available from the data...

Terms of specialized nursing language for people with pressure injury

ABSTRACT Objective: to validate the terms of the specialized nursing language used in care for hospitalized patients with Pressure Injury, identified in nurses' records, mapping them with the terms of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP® 2017). Methods: methodological study, ca...

Características demográficas, de salud, necesidades de cuidado y diagnósticos de enfermería de personas hospitalizadas que sufren trastorno afectivo bipolar

Investig. enferm; 21 (1), 2019
Introducción: el trastorno afectivo bipolar (TAB) es una enfermedad mental crónica más frecuente en mujeres que en hombres. La prevalencia en el mundo es del 1% y en Colombia es del 1,2%. Objetivo: Describir las características demográficas, de salud, necesidades de cuidado y diagnóstico de enferme...

Autoevaluación diagnóstica en enfermería

Enferm. univ; 16 (1), 2019
Resumen Introducción La evaluación educativa en enfermería que se realiza en la ENEO, ha representado múltiples esfuerzos de proyectos institucionales de carácter formativo. A más de dos décadas de experiencia, se requiere realizar un diagnóstico que permita identificar fortalezas y debilidades ...

Defining characteristics and related factors of the nursing diagnosis for ineffective breathing pattern

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify in the literature the defining characteristics and related factors of the nursing diagnosis "ineffective breathing pattern". Method: Integrative review with the steps: problem identification, literature search, evaluation and analysis of data and presentation of results....

Impaired Verbal Communication: diagnosis review in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ABSTRACT Objective: To review the contents of the nursing diagnosis of Impaired Verbal Communication in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Method: For the review of this diagnosis we used the integrative review. The 21 selected articles were submitted to a careful concept analysis for the def...