Resultados: 353

Acesso aos serviços de saúde nos municípios do entorno sul do Distrito Federal

Rev. eletrônica enferm; 17 (2), 2015
O estudo objetivou analisar a percepção de pessoas residentes sobre o acesso aos serviços de saúde, na região do Entorno Sul da Região Integrada de Desenvolvimento do Distrito Federal e Entorno – RIDE/DF. Pesquisa epidemiológica descritiva, transversal do tipo inqu...

Reception: strategic point for user access to the Unified Health System

Texto & contexto enferm; 25 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT This study investigated to understand how user embracement of users with acute illness or chronic worsened works, which has no scheduled service (spontaneous demand) from the perspective of workers of the reception service of health centers in a municipality in the southern region of Brazil. Des...

Socioeconomic and health conditions associated with quality of life of elderly quilombolas

Texto & contexto enferm; 25 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify the socioeconomic and health conditions associated with quality of life of elderly quilombolas. Cross-sectional, epidemiological and census study, conducted with 427 elderly individuals of a quilombola population enrolled in Family Health Strategies of 17 quilombas c...

Tempos de acesso a serviços de saúde face ao infarto do miocárdio

Acta paul. enferm; 29 (4), 2016
Resumo Objetivo Analisar os tempos relacionados ao acesso de homens e mulheres com infarto do miocárdio a hospitais referência em cardiologia e a correlação entre eles. Métodos Pesquisa transversal, com 100 pessoas com infarto entrevistadas em hospitais referência em cardiologia. Dados analisad...

Application of the Workload Indicators of Staffing Need method to predict nursing human resources at a Family Health Service

Objective verify the application of the Workload Indicators of Staffing Need method in the prediction of nursing human resources at a Family Health service. Method descriptive and quantitative study, undertaken at a Family Health service in the city of São Paulo. The set of sequential operations recomm...

Nursing workloads in family health: implications for universal access

Objective to identify the workloads of nursing professionals of the Family Health Strategy, considering its implications for the effectiveness of universal access. Method qualitative study with nursing professionals of the Family Health Strategy of the South, Central West and North regions of Brazil, us...

Access to surgical assistance: challenges and perspectives

Objective to characterize the access to surgical assistance in Brazil. Method documentary study, with a quantitative approach, developed from information of the Caixa Preta da Saúde [Health Black Box] database, of the Brazilian Medical Association. Results in the one-year period 3773 cases related to ...

Right to health: (in) congruence between the legal framework and the health system

Objective to discuss the right to health, incorporation into the legal instruments and the deployment in practice in the National Health System in Mozambique. Method this is a documentary analysis of a qualitative nature, which after thorough and interpretative reading of the legal instruments and artic...

Barriers to access to treatment for mothers with postpartum depression in primary health care centers: a predictive model

Objective to develop a predictive model to evaluate the factors that modify the access to treatment for Postpartum Depression (PPD). Methods prospective study with mothers who participated in the monitoring of child health in primary care centers. For the initial assessment and during 3 months, it was c...