Total: 77083

Impacto psicosocial expresado por mujeres post tratamiento endovascular coronario

Rev. urug. enferm; 18 (2), 2023
El principal objetivo de esta investigación ha sido indagar los cambios psicosociales que expresan haber tenido mujeres montevideanas de entre 20 y 50 años de edad atendidas en el Instituto Nacional de Cirugía Cardíaca luego de haber transcurrido un año de re...

Percepções de estudantes de enfermagem sobre o reconhecimento da profissão em tempos de pandemia: estudo descritivo-exploratório

OBJETIVO: Analisar a percepção de estudantes de graduação em enfermagem sobre o reconhecimento conferido à profissão, bem como as situações que potencializam e/ou deterioram este reconhecimento profissional. MÉTODO: Pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida com 40 graduandos de enfermagem de uma univer...

Multilevel Self-Management in Nursing Research: An Approach to Decrease Health Disparities in Chronic Diseases

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. To discuss multilevel self-management intervention research in nursing to decrease health disparities among people living with chronic diseases. Content synthesis. Multilevel interventions have become the core of nursing research in the last decade. However,...

Stress levels and coping strategy of nursing students in online learning during COVID-19 Pandemic. A mixed-methods study

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. To explain the stress level and coping strategies of nursing students in online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Methods. Explanatory sequential mixed method QUAN-QUAL study conducted at a private university in Bandung, Indonesia. Of the 260 nursing students, 157 cons...

Smartphone addiction and its impact on quality of sleep and academic performance among nursing students. institutional based cross-sectional study in Western Rajasthan (India)

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective.To explore the smartphone addiction and its impact on quality of sleep and academic performance among the nursing students. Methods. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among the nursing students (n=160) in tertiary care teaching hospital in western Rajasthan (I...

Depression and Physical activity among cardiac patients undergone cardiac events: a correlational study

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. To assess prevalence of depression and its relationship with physical activity among individuals who have experienced a cardiac event. Methods. This descriptive study involved 196 cardiac patients receiving treatment at selected cardiac hospitals of Punja...

Predictors of COVID-19 Related Health Literacy among Older People Living in Rural Areas of Indonesia

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. This study aims to identify predictive factors of COVID-19-related health literacy (HL) among older adults living in rural areas. Method. This study used a cross-sectional design. A total of 106 respondents participated in this study. HL was measured by using a questionnaire modified ...

Conceptual Models and Theories Applied to Nursing Education in Intercultural Contexts: State of the Art

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. To analyze academic production about nursing models and theories in intercultural contexts applied to the field of education. Methods. State-of-the-art study, which examined 50 articles from research. Results. Application of the cultural competence model was found as a trend at disciplina...

Educational Interventions in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Health Care Settings. A Scoping Review

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. To synthesize the evidence of studies with educational interventions for adults with type-2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) in primary health care settings. Methods. A scoping review was conducted following the recommendations by the Joanna Briggs Institute and by the...

Socio-family Factors Predictive of Adaptative Coping Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Nursing Students from a Private University

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. To identify socio-academic and family functionality factors – communication, cohesion, and flexibility – as predictive stimuli of adaptive coping of nursing university students in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. A cross-sectional descriptive ...