Resultados: 1585

Soul care in the hospital nursing context: an analysis based on Transpersonal Caring

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
Abstract Objective: To unveil spirituality in the care process of nursing professionals in the hospital context under the lens of Transpersonal Caring. Method: A descriptive-exploratory study implementing a qualitative approach conducted with professionals from the nursing team in a general hospital ...

Conhecimento, avaliação de risco e autoeficácia quanto a tromboembolismo venoso entre enfermeiros

Resumo Objetivo Comparar o conhecimento autopercebido e objetivo de enfermeiros sobre tromboembolismo venoso e identificar suas práticas e barreiras percebidas para a avaliação de risco e autoeficácia em realizar cuidados preventivos para a doença. Métodos Estudo descritivo transversal realizad...

Importancia de la enfermera escolar según la percepción de funcionarios de colegios básicos de una provincia de chile

RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir la importancia de la enfermera escolar según la percepción de los funcionarios de colegios básicos de una provincia al sur de Chile. Material y Método: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal que, a partir de un universo de 169 funcionarios de 5 colegios públicos y...

Violence at work in emergency care units: nurses' experiences

Objectives: to understand the perception of nurses in emergency care units about the violence experienced at work. Method: qualitative study conducted through 21 individual interviews between November and December 2018 in two emergency care units in a city in Paraná. Symbolic Interactionism was adopted...

Assessment of the quality of a software application for the prevention of skin lesions in newborns*

Objective: to assess the technical quality of a mobile application to support the nurse's decision to prevent skin lesions in hospitalized newborns, according to the Product Quality Model. Method: a methodological study for technological assessment. The 20 evaluators, divided into two groups, 10 nurse...

A liderança coaching na avaliação de enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem

REME rev. min. enferm; 24 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivos: identificar autoavaliação dos enfermeiros sobre liderança coaching e a avaliação dos técnicos e auxiliares de Enfermagem sobre seu líder. Correlacionar as variáveis: idade, sexo, graduação, pós-graduação, tempos de instituição e formação, cargo e turno de trabalho com ...

Focus and trends in nurse advocacy in the Pan American Health Region: a bibliometric analysis

Objective: this study examined scholarly output relating to nursing advocacy contributions toward influencing policy by authors in countries of the Pan American Health Organization. Method: the study utilizes a bibliographic analysis of papers indexed in Scopus authored by PAHO member state scholars. VO...

Application of the educational method of realistic simulation in the treatment of pressure injuries

Objective: to evaluate the use of realistic simulation as a strategy to promote teaching about pressure injuries. Method: This is a quasi-experimental study. A modified and translated version of the Pieper Pressure Ulcer knowledge test was applied. Kappa statistical analysis was used to assess the pro...

Validity and reliability study of the Moral Distress Questionnaire in Turkish for nurses

Objective: to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish language version of the Moral Distress Questionnaire for nurses. Method: methodological study whose sample consisted of 200 nurses working in the internal medicine and surgery clinics of a university hospital. Data was collected using t...

Aspecto psicossocial do ambiente de trabalho de profissionais de enfermagem segundo o modelo demanda-controle

Objetivo: avaliar o aspecto psicossocial do ambiente de trabalho de profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital universitário. Método: estudo transversal, exploratório e quantitativo realizado com 124 profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital universitário do interior de Minas Gerais, A coleta de dad...