Resultados: 973

Coleta de amostra para identificação de DNA do papilomavírus: conhecimento e habilidades

Resumo Objetivo Estabelecer a relação entre o conhecimento e as habilidades dos profissionais da saúde em coletar amostras para a identificação do DNA do papilomavírus. Métodos Estudo transversal, realizado entre março e junho de 2017, com uma população de 313 pessoas. A amostra probabilís...

Analysis of professional implication as a tool of permanent education in health

Objective: analyze professional implication with the support of humanization and articulators of permanent education in health as a tool of Permanent Education in Health. Method: this is an interventional study of qualitative approach, based on the theoretical reference of Institutional Analysis. Thirty...

Método canguru na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde de uma unidade de neonatologia

Enferm. foco (Brasília); 10 (2), 2019
Objetivo: analisar a percepção do Método Canguru pelos profissionais de saúde de uma unidade de neonatologia. Metodologia: estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado por meio de entrevista com roteiro parcialmente estruturado com 19 profissionais de saúde de uma unidade de neonatologia ...

Construct validation: coping with HIV/AIDS in Primary Health Care

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To validate the construct and measure the trustworthiness of a questionnaire aimed at assessing HIV/AIDS coping actions developed by health professionals in Primary Health Care. Method: A methodological study carried out with 397 primary health care professionals in two municipali...

Feedback on research results to healthcare professionals in the context of HIV

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: Reporting the feedback on the results of a multicenter research for healthcare professionals that attend people living with HIV and AIDS in a Specialized Healthcare Center at Belém, state of Pará, Brazil. Method: Case report of the presentation and interpretation of research resul...

Permanence of professionals who work in the Tuberculosis Control Program

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the length of stay of the professionals who work in the Tuberculosis Control Program in Basic Health Units of the city of Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Method: Sectional study, developed in eight Health Units of the Maré Complex/RJ. Physicians, nurses, nursing technicians and Commu...

Counseling practices in Sexually Transmitted Infections/AIDS: the female health professionals' perspective

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the health professionals' perception about counseling in a Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento em Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (Center for Testing and Counseling in Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and AIDS) in Maceió, Alagoas. Method: it is a qualitati...

Contexto técnico do trabalho de gerentes na atenção primária à saúde

Objetivo: analisar o contexto técnico do trabalho de gerentes de Unidades de Saúde da Atenção Primária à Saúde, no que tange à formação, à qualificação profissional e à inserção no cargo/função. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, tipo pesquisa de campo, realizado co...

Discourse of nurses and doctors on the use of the emergency service by immigrants

Abstract Objective: To describe the discourse of nurses and physicians on the use of emergency services by immigrants. Method: Descriptive and exploratory study, with qualitative approach, carried out inan emergency public unit located at the north of Paraná. Sixteen health professionals were intervie...