Resultados: 1437

Muerte y morir en el hospital: una mirada social, espiritual y ética de los estudiantes

RESUMEN Objetivo Identificar las implicancias sociales, espirituales y éticas que tiene el proceso de muerte y morir para estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología Abordaje cualitativo, de carácter descriptivo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 19 estudiantes de enfermería de quinto año. Los datos rec...

Aspectos positivos e negativos da simulação clínica no ensino de enfermagem

Resumo Objetivo descrever os aspectos positivos e negativos da simulação clínica no ensino de enfermagem na perspectiva dos graduandos. Método estudo transversal descritivo de abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido em uma universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados ocorreu após a realiz...

Emotional recognition for simulated clinical environment using unpleasant odors: quasi-experimental study

Objective: to compare the effect of exposure to unpleasant odors in a simulated clinical environment on the emotions of undergraduate nursing students. Method: quasi-experimental study. A total of 24 nursing students participated the study, divided into two groups, 12 in the intervention group with exp...

Scientific integrity among nursing students participating in the Scientific Initiation Program: An exploratory study

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
Abstract Objective: To know the positions and practices adopted by nursing students in scientific initiation programs about the principles of scientific integrity in the different stages of the process of doing science. Method: An exploratory study of a quantitative nature, in which nursing student p...

Satisfaction and self-confidence in the learning of nursing students: Randomized clinical trial

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify and compare satisfaction and self-confidence in the learning of nursing students from the use of simulation and traditional teaching in adult immunization scenarios in the context of Primary Health Care Methods: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Thirty-four under...

Impact of self-esteem and of the sociodemographic factors on the self-efficacy of udergraduate nursing students

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify self-efficacy and self-esteem levels in undergraduate nursing students and to verify the mutual relationship between these constructs and with sociodemographic variables. Method: a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 264 students from two universities. Self-esteem a...

Aprendizagem experiencial e diretrizes curriculares nacionais de enfermagem: revisão integrativa de literatura

RESUMO Objetivo: este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as contribuições da aprendizagem experiencial para a conquista das competências gerais previstas nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Enfermagem. Método: realizou-se revisão integrativa, no período de janeiro de 2013 a agosto de 2017. R...

Emotional recognition for simulated clinical environment using unpleasant odors: quasi-experimental study

Objective: to compare the effect of exposure to unpleasant odors in a simulated clinical environment on the emotions of undergraduate nursing students. Method: quasi-experimental study. A total of 24 nursing students participated the study, divided into two groups, 12 in the intervention group with exp...

Development of a safe drug administration assessment instrument for nursing students

Objective: to determine the content and face validity of a safe drug administration assessment instrument for nursing students. Method: quantitative, descriptive study. The literature on medication errors made by students was analyzed, and an instrument was developed using the Architecture of Integrated...

Influence of tobacco, alcohol consumption, eating habits and physical activity in nursing students

Objective: to determine the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, eating habits, and physical activity among nursing students and to detect whether being a nursing student is a protective factor against these habits. Method: a questionnaire was used to collect information on age, academic year, sex, alcohol ...