Resultados: 1222

Intervenções e resultados de enfermagem para risco de lesão por pressão em pacientes críticos

Rev Rene (Online); 18 (5), 2017
Objetivo: estabelecer relações entre as intervenções e os resultados de enfermagem para o diagnóstico Risco de lesão por pressão em pacientes críticos. Métodos: estudo longitudinal, realizado com 63 pacientes, em uma unidade de terapia intensiva. Utilizou-se um instrumento com dados clínicos do...

Urinary incontinence in hospital patients: prevalence and associated factors

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the prevalence of urinary incontinence and its associated factors in hospital patients. Method: this is a cross-sectional epidemiological study whose data were collected using the instruments Sociodemographic and Clinical Data, Characteristics of Urinary Leakage and Inte...

Fatores de risco para ulceração no pé de indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Cogit. Enferm. (Online); 22 (4), 2017
Objetivou-se analisar os fatores associados ao risco de ulceração do pé em indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Estudo quantitativo, com 71 indivíduos numa Unidade Básica de Saúde de um município do estado do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados em entrevista domiciliar e com ex...

Fatores de risco para o câncer de próstata: população de uma unidade básica de saúde*

Cogit. Enferm. (Online); 22 (4), 2017
O estudo objetivou identificar os fatores de risco para o câncer de próstata entre homens atendidos durante o mês de novembro de 2015, em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do estado de São Paulo. Estudo descritivo, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa, composta por 150 usuários homens que ...

Knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of older women in HIV/AIDS prevention

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the knowledge, religious beliefs and the adoption of preventive measures against HIV/AIDS of non-Catholic elderly women. Method: A qualitative study, carried out in religious institutions of a municipality in the state of Ceará, Northeast Brazil, with 78 elderly women. O...

Risk for acute kidney injury in primary health care

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify hypertensive and diabetic patients at risk for developing acute kidney injury in the primary health care setting. Method: Observational, longitudinal, prospective study. Sample of 56 diabetic and hypertensive individuals. A semi-structured questionnaire was adopted for d...

Sobrepeso y obesidad: prevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados en estudiantes de Enfermería en una universidad pública de Medellín, Colombia

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (2), 2017
Objective. This work sought to identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity conditions and the associated factors in nursing students in a public university in Medellín, Colombia. Methodology. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in 2015. The study selected 171 participants throug...

Incidence and risk factors for surgical site infection in general surgeries

ABSTRACT Objective: to estimate the incidence of surgical site infection in general surgeries at a large Brazilian hospital while identifying risk factors and prevalent microorganisms. Method: non-concurrent cohort study with 16,882 information of patients undergoing general surgery from 2008 to 2011. ...

Autocuidado de los factores de riesgo de la ulceración en pies diabéticos: estudio transversal

Aim: To analyze the implications of self-care on the risk factors of ulceration in the feet of patients with diabetes mellitus, related to dermatology, orthopedic, neurological and vascular alterations. Method: Cross-sectional study, involving 1,515 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, older than 40 y...

Factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedad cardiovascular en mujeres

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (1), 2017
Objective. To evaluate the factors that predispose to the development of cardiovascular diseases in women who were attended at a Basic Health Unit in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Methods. The research was characterized as observational and quantitative. The population sample consisted of 60 women aged over...