Resultados: 14

Discharge planning carried out by nurses to increase caregivers' competence: a clinical trial

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the effect of discharge planning conducted by nurses for informal caregivers of dependent people in increasing competence to care and reducing hospital readmissions. Method: a simple, randomized clinical trial conducted with two groups. Ninety-one dyads of informal care...

Instrumentos de avaliação da autoeficácia do cuidador informal na assistência domiciliar: revisão integrativa

Rev. enferm. UFSM; 13 (), 2023
Objetivo: identificar os instrumentos validados de avaliação da autoeficácia em cuidadores informais descritos na literatura. Método: revisão integrativa, que analisou artigos de pesquisas primárias indexados nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Literatura Lat...

Perspectivas para o uso da telemedicina no atendimento de saúde mental na atenção primária

Enferm. foco (Brasília); 13 (n.esp1), 2022
Objetivo: Identificar na literatura o uso da Telemedicina como recurso na promoção a assistência em saúde mental na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, baseada no protocolo Prisma. Realizou-se a coleta de dados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e na Literatura...

Factors associated with the skills of informal caregivers in home care

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (4), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify factors associated with cognitive, emotional, psychomotor, and relational skills of informal caregivers in home care. Methods: A cross-sectional study carried out with a sample of 216 informal caregivers residing in a municipality in the state of Paraná. Data collection...

Meanings attributed to changes occurring after bariatric surgery: an analysis in the light of Grounded Theory

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (4), 2022
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the meanings attributed to the changes experienced after bariatric surgery by people with obesity. Methods: this is a study with a qualitative approach, with a theoretical framework in Symbolic Interactionism; and methodological, in the Grounded Theory. There were 12 ...

Mental health assistance in Primary Care: the perspective of professionals from the Family Health Strategy

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (supl.3), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To learn about the perceptions of the professionals who work in Primary Health Care about mental health care. Methods: Descriptive and qualitative study, carried out with 29 health workers through open and individual interviews. The IRaMuTeQ® software was used to organize the data ...

Educational intervention to increase the skill of informal caregivers: a quasi-experimental pilot study

ABSTRACT Objective to compare the skill of informal caregivers to care for dependent people undergoing educational planning discharge intervention with and without follow-up at home. Method this is a quasi-experimental, randomized, simple pilot study, with pre and post-test, not blind, however, with ...

Construction and validation of self-care educational technology for caregivers

Rev. bras. enferm; 74 (4), 2021
ABSTRACT Objectives: to build and validate educational self-care technology for informal caregivers. Methods: methodological study, anchored in the Delphi technique, carried out in a municipality in the state of Paraná, Brazil, between September 2018 and November 2019. It was developed in three stage...

Declínio das taxas de internação hospitalar por doenças cardiovasculares em adultos no brasil

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a tendência das taxas de internação hospitalar por doenças cardiovasculares em adultos no Brasil. Método: estudo ecológico, de séries temporais, das taxas de internação por doenças cardiovasculares em adultos por sexo, faixa etária e região de residência no Brasil...

Trend of transplants and organ and tissue donations in Brazil: a time series analysis

Rev. bras. enferm; 74 (1), 2021
ABSTRACT Objectives: to indentify the time trend of rates of organs and tissues effective donors, of reports and types of transplanted organs per million people of the Brazilian population. Methods: ecological study, of time series, about reports of organ donations and on transplants. The data were pro...