Resultados: 49

Evidence of validity of the Risk Self-Medication Questionnaire focused on Health Literacy

Rev. bras. enferm; 77 (3), 2024
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the validity evidence of the internal structure of the Risk Self-Medication Questionnaire Focused on Health Literacy. Methods: a psychometric study with 499 adults. The internal structure was assessed with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to prove the adjustm...

Construction and validity of an item bank on risk self-medication

ABSTRACT Objective: to construct an item bank to measure risk self-medication and assess its content validity. Method: this is a methodological study carried out from May to October 2022, with two phases: 1) item bank elaboration in the light of medication literacy and Theory of Planned Behavior based ...

Clinical decision support systems for diabetic foot ulcers: a scoping review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 57 (), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: Map the scientific evidence on the use of clinical decision support systems in diabetic foot care. Method: A scoping review based on the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis and registered on the Open Science Framework platform. Searches were carried out in primary and secondary source...

Protocolo de revisão de escopo: aperfeiçoamento do guia PRISMA-ScR

Rev Enferm UFPI; 12 (1), 2023
Objetivo: Clarificar informações sobre o checklist PRISMA-ScRe orientar, de forma detalhada, os itens para aperfeiçoamento do protocolo de revisão de escopo. Métodos: Revisão bibliográfica da literatura, com análise de estudos relacionados ao tema, via portal P...

Relación entre indicadores de desarrollo social y mortalidad por Diabetes Mellitus en Brasil: análisis espacial y temporal

Objetivo: identificar el patrón espacial y temporal de la mortalidad por Diabetes Mellitus en Brasil y su relación con los indicadores de desarrollo social. Método: estudio ecológico y de series temporales, a nivel nacional, con base en datos secundarios del Departamento de Informática del Sistema ...

Vulnerabilidade programática na saúde: análise do conceito

REME rev. min. enferm; 26 (), 2022
RESUMO Objetivo: analisar, conceitualmente, a vulnerabilidade programática com identificação de seus antecedentes, atributos e consequentes. Método: modelo de análise conceitual segundo metodologia de Walker e Avant. Foram etapas, I. seleção do conceito: vulnerabilidade programática; II. determ...

Structure internal of the dimension Human Person of the Questionnaire of Health Vulnerability in Heart Failure

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 56 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the evidence of validity of the internal structure of the dimension Human Person of the Questionnaire of Health Vulnerability in Heart Failure. Method: psychometric study with 1,008 people with heart failure, in a tertiary healthcare institution located in Northeastern Br...

Codesign of a care-educational app for people with heart failure: design, prototyping and co-implementation

ABSTRACT Objective to describe the process corresponding to the design, prototyping and co-implementation of a care-educational app prototype for vulnerable people with heart failure, their family members/caregivers and the health team. Method a methodological study with five phases: Construct, Design...

Percepção da equipe de saúde sobre aplicação dos cuidados paliativos à pessoa submetida a transplante cardíaco

Objetivo: elucidar a relação entre cuidados paliativos e transplante cardíaco na visão da equipe de transplante e desenvolver um mapa mental que ajude a repensar a abordagem paliativa à pessoa pós transplante cardíaco. Métodos: estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, foi r...

Serial album on Continuous Insulin Infusion System as an innovative educational technology in diabetes

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (5), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: to build and validate a serial album content and appearance on insulin therapy using a Continuous Infusion System. Method: a methodological study, carried out in three stages in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, from August to November 2018. The serial album construction and content and ap...