Resultados: 33

Negative pressure therapy in pediatric patient with surgical site infection: experience report

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 58 (), 2024
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the use of negative pressure wound therapy and hydrofiber dressing with silver in a pediatric patient with a hard-to-heal surgical wound infection. Method: This is a descriptive professional experience report on the use of conventional dressings and negative pressure wou...

Effectiveness of the modified Seldinger technique for peripheral central catheter in newborns: a randomized clinical trial

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of peripheral central catheterization by comparing the modified Seldinger technique and the conventional technique in critically ill newborns. Methods: randomized unmasked clinical trial conducted in a public children's hospital. Participation of 111 n...

Painel interativo como estratégia para adesão à terapia antirretroviral em crianças vivendo com hiv

Objetivos: Relatar a experiência do uso do lúdico por meio do painel interativo como estratégia para adesão à terapia antirretroviral em crianças vivendo com HIV para auxiliar na gestão do cuidado. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, do tipo relato de experiência, utilizando m...

Evaluation of software technical quality for collecting data from patients under palliative care

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate software technical quality for collecting data from patients under palliative care. Methods: this is methodological technology evaluation research, according to the technical standard International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commissi...

Implantação do primeiro curso de mestrado profissional em enfermagem no estado de Rondônia

Objetivo: Descrever a implantação do pioneirismo do curso de Mestrado Profissional, na área de enfermagem, no estado de Rondônia, contemplado no edital 28/2019, do Acordo de Cooperação Técnica CAPES/Cofen 30/2016. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo em uma perspectiva histórica, que utilizou document...

Digital technology for the prevention of healthcare-related infections in critical care

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.4), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop digital technology for patient and family integration into the Intensive Care Unit care team, aiming to subsidize decision-making for the prevention of infections related to healthcare. Method: Methodological research of technological production in three phases: pre-produ...

Fugulin scale for classifying pediatric patients in a respiratory inpatient unit: experience report

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 57 (), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the use of the Fugulin scale to classify pediatric patients hospitalized in a respiratory unit as a subsidy for the allocation of human resources given the increase in cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Method: Experience report conducted in a children's hospita...

Implementation of modified Seldinger technology for percutaneous catheterization in critically ill newborns

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 57 (), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the implementation of Modified Seldinger Technology for percutaneous catheterization in critically ill newborns. Method: A quasi-experimental before- and-after study, carried out with neonatologist nurses in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Results: Seven nurses particip...

Perfil clínico e fatores associados ao óbito de pacientes COVID-19 nos primeiros meses da pandemia

RESUMO Objetivo analisar as características individuais, clínicas e os fatores associados à mortalidade de pacientes com COVID-19, em hospital público do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Métodos estudo seccional, retrospectivo, documental (n= 86), com pacientes adultos internados, de março a junho de 2...