Resultados: 48

Hands hygiene and the use of gloves by nursing team in hemodialysis service

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the adhesion of the nursing team to the practice of hands hygiene (HH) and the use of latex gloves in a hemodialysis service. Method: this is a descriptive-exploratory study with a quantitative approach, performed between August and October 2016 in a hemodialysis service ...

Knowledge about precautions in Primary Health Care: tool validation

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To elaborate and validate a tool to assess knowledge and behavior of nursing professionals about standards and specific precautions in the Primary Health Care. Method: Methodological study of the elaboration and validation of the tool by thirteen experts judges, using a Likert scale...

Praticabilidade de indicadores validados para o processamento de produtos para saúde

Rev. enferm. UFPE on line; 11 (supl.6), 2017
Objetivo: avaliar a praticabilidade de 7 indicadores validados para conferir a qualidade do processamento de produtos para saúde na atenção primária à saúde (APS). Método: estudo metodológico que mensurou o tempo demandado para preenchimento dos indicadores e registrou os fatores dificultadores d...

Factors associated with the quality of life of patients undergoing hemodialysis

Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify factors associated with the quality of life/spirituality, religion and personal beliefs of patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis. Method: correlational cross-sectional study. The following instruments were applied through individual interviews: t...

Concepções da equipe de odontologia da atenção primária à saúde sobre precauções padrão

Objetivou identificar a concepção da equipe de odontologia da Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) quanto às precauções padrão (PP), os obstáculos para seu uso e a segurança do local de trabalho. Estudo exploratório-descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 7...

Diagnosis of compliance of health care product processing in Primary Health Care

ABSTRACT Objective: identify the compliance of health care product processing in Primary Health Care and assess possible differences in the compliance among the services characterized as Primary Health Care Service and Family Health Service. Method: quantitative, observational, descriptive and inferent...

Tuberculose no grupo de vigilância epidemiológica (GVE) XII – Araraquara: incidência e perfil das notificações de 2009 a 2013

CuidArte, Enferm; 10 (1), 2016
Introdução: O diagnóstico e o tratamento da Tuberculose (TB), embora sejam conhecidos há 50 anos, mantém a doença ainda como umdos principais agravos à saúde em âmbito global, particularmente entre os indivíduos mais pobres em países de baixa e média renda, eentre outras populações vulnerá...

Factors influencing adherence to standard precautions among nursing professionals in psychiatric hospitals

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 49 (3), 2015
OBJECTIVE Evaluate and correlate individual, work-related and organizational factors that influence adherence to standard precautions among nursing professionals of psychiatric hospitals in São Paulo. METHOD An exploratory cross-sectional study conducted with 35 nursing professionals, using the assessme...

Adaptation and validation of indicators concerning the sterilization process of supplies in Primary Health Care services

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 23 (1), 2015
OBJECTIVES: to adapt and validate, by expert consensus, a set of indicators used to assess the sterilization process of dental, medical and hospital supplies to be used in PHC services. METHOD: qualitative methodological study performed in two stages. The first stage included a focal group composed of ex...

The role of primary care in the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 48 (6), 2014
Little research has been conducted to date on the role of primary health care (PHC) in the prevention of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs). The present article is a theoretical study of the principle of primum non nocere and aims to promote reflection on the role of PHC in HCAI prevention with emp...