Resultados: 1236

Crianças com Síndrome de Down: o significado do cuidar na percepção de mães

The experience of to care of a child with Down?s Syndrome (DS) requires attention and special care and may presents different meanings to the mother. This exploratory research with qualitative approach, was carried out in the Association of Parents and Friends of Handicapped Children (Associação de Pai...

Conhecimento das mães sobre o aleitamento materno: estudo descritivo

Aims: Characterize the demographic profile of mothers who breastfeed exclusively or not, to verify the type of feeding offered to the infants and to inquire the mother's knowledge about important points concerning breastfeeding. Methods: Quantitative, descriptive study involving 102 mothers followed at t...

A Fadiga do paciente com câncer: uma revisão sistemática

Cancer is one of the most prevailing chronic diseases in Brazil and in the world. However, the utilized treatments may develop numberless collateral effects. Since the last decade, the symptom of fatigue has been associated directly with cancer and its treatments and has become the object of study in thi...

Música e comunicação não verbal em instituições de longa permanência para idosos: novos recursos para a formação de músicos para a humanização dos hospitais

This is a qualitative study that aimed to examine the nonverbal communication mediated by music among musicians (Centre de Formation de Musicien Intervenant) and institutionalized aged, and produce a new education strategy for the course of musicians training developed at the University Marc Bloch, in Fr...

Adesão das mãe às condutas de enfermagem na dermatite irritativa de fraldas: estudo exploratório

This exploratory, descriptive, transversal, study, which takes a quantitative approach, was carried out at a Family Health Unit in the municipal district of Francisco Morato, with the following objectives: to determine the knowledge, care actions and adhesion of mothers to nursing conducts to deal with i...

Cliente com Acidente Vascular Cerebral e as interfaces da assistência de enfermagem para reabilitação

The present study aims to investigate the clients with cerebrovascular accident, characterizing their social demographic profile and the interfaces of rehabilitation and nursing care. This work is modeled as a descriptive, comparative and quantitative research in the nursing care area. In order to preser...

Angústia espiritual: revisão integrativa da literatura

This study aims to identify concepts and clinical indicators that evidence spiritual distress in patients. Integrative review was the method adopted for the development of the study. In the initial stage, 82 studies were found in the following databases PUBMED, COCHRANE, CINAHL, LILACS and North American...

Estressores identificados por pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio e angioplastia coronária transluminal percutânea: estudo quantitativo

It is a research developed at a University hospital, aiming to identify the prevalent stressors to patients which procedure heart disease submitted to a PTCA and a MRC. To collect data it was used a questionnaire to identify the patients on pre procedure to characterize the population; and the Intensive ...

Morbidade materna grave - near miss: o significado para mulheres sobreviventes: história oral

The aim of this study was to understand the meaning of the near miss experience during pregnancy, labor, birth and puerperium in the life of the women who survived. The conceptions of Medical Anthropology were used as the theoretical framework for the analysis and the Oral History as the methodological r...