Resultados: 1236

O enfermeiro diante do diagnóstico de abuso sexual infantil

This article discusses nursing diagnosis face sexual abuse victim child, considering the magnitude of the problem and its impact on health and psychosexual development of the child. The objective is reflect on the role of nurse facing diagnosis of situations that provide child sexual abuse. Methodology: ...

Risco cardiovascular numa clientela ambulatorial: um estudo quantitativo

This quantitative study presents the partial analysis of the results of the project entitled ?The nursing care in the promotion of cardiovascular health: prevention and risk factor control?. The study has two objectives: to identify the risk factors related to hypertension and diabetes mellitus of a clie...

Doenças cardiovasculares e seus fatores de riscos: uma análise sobre o tema

This study is part of the first stage of an extension project entitled ?The Nursing Care in Cardiovascular Diseases - Indicatives of a Healthy Life Style? from the Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Its objective is to identify scientific production concerning the...

Fatores preditivos aos resultados desfavoráveis no tratamento da tuberculose: revisão integrativa da literatura (2001-2005)

This integrative literature review aimed to survey Brazilian and international publications related to factors predicting unfavorable results in tuberculosis treatment. Consulting LILACS, MEDLINE, PORTAL CAPES, operational and epidemiological articles published between 2001 and 2005 were surveyed. The ar...

O Acompanhante do Paciente Adulto Hospitalizado: percepção dos enfermeiros: uma abordagem qualitativa

This study, was aimed at analyzing the knowledge of nurse about institutional policies and its perceptions in relation to the stay of the companion of the hospitalized adult patient. 29 (100%) nurses that worked in the adult inpatient units, at a university-based philanthropic hospital institution from t...

Mulheres residentes em uma casa de estudantes: o verso e o reverso do autocuidado

Cancer is the most frequently occurring neoplasia among women worldwide, followed by cervix uteri cancer whose main agent is the human papilloma virus. This research had as general goal: get to know women's health self-care among female undergraduates who live in a public university housing in Paraná St...

Sobrepeso e obesidade em adolescentes de escolas públicas de Fortaleza: um estudo exploratório

Nowadays overweight is a condition that prepares adolescents to several chronical diseases in the future. Thus, the objective was to find out overweight and obesity cases in public schools' adolescents from Fortaleza. 720 students between 14 and 19 years of age were investigated in the months of February...

Concepções de enfermeiros de Saúde Pública sobre o cuidado

The art of caring is arousing the conscience of being a nurse to a redirection of his/her role as a caring being who becomes involved with other beings. This study aims to identify the understanding that nurses have about caretaking and its practical applicability according to the theorists Leonardo Boff...

O cotidiano de trabalhadoras de enfermagem acometidas por distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT) sob a luz da fenomenologia heideggeriana

In this qualitative study of phenomenologic approach, I have searched for understanding the living experience of nursing woman-workers that display work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMD). The interviews were carried out with six women who were living the WRMD, four being auxiliary and two technici...

Consulta de enfermagem: Pesquisar/Cuidar através da escuta sensível em uma clínica de insuficiência cardíaca

Assuming that nursing assessment for heart failure clients help us to face the changes in your daily, we enquire what the contribution of sensible listening applied to nursing assessment. The purpose is to identify the needs of care creating a new way to care/research sensibly through nursing appointment...