Resultados: 62

Nurses and the collective care practices within the family health strategy: salud de la familia

This qualitative study identifies and analyzes the practices of nurses regarding collective care interventions in the context of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and its knowledge development. Semi-structured interviews were held with nurses working in the FHS and thematic analysis was used to analyze da...

Convergˆncia de saberes e conhecimentos de enfermagem no cuidado … fam¡lia

A fam¡lia tem sido priorizada por meio de programas sociais, em especial, com a descentraliza‡„o das a‡”es de sa£de. Em detrimento das transforma‡”es ocorridas, contudo, esta vis„o voltada para o grupo familiar continua atrelada a um paradigma biologicista, centrado na patologia, alimentando o s...