Resultados: 203

What has the covid-19 pandemic taught us about adopting preventive measures?

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the COVID-19 pandemic and what we have (re)learned from the world experience of adopting prevention measures recommended by the World Health Organization as well as the epidemiological overview in the world, in Latin America and in Brazil. Results: the World Health Organi...

Enfermedad por Coronavirus (COVID-19) and HIV: Asuntos y Acciones Claves

The HIV community and response have much to offer to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) preparedness and resiliency. Having community-led organizations, such as people living with HIV (PLHIV) networks, engaged at the planning and response tables early on is key to build trust, ensure productive exch...

COVID-19: Operational guidance for maintaining essential health services during an outbreak - Interim guidance 25 March 2020

Health systems are being confronted with rapidly increasing demand generated by the COVID-19 outbreak. When health systems are overwhelmed, both direct mortality from an outbreak and indirect mortality from vaccine-preventable and treatable conditions increase dramatically. Analyses from the 2014-2015 Eb...

Intervenções em saúde mental para profissionais de saúde frente a pandemia de Coronavírus

Rev. enferm. UERJ; 28 (), 2020
Objetivo: refletir sobre as intervenções/ações de cuidado em saúde mental voltados aos profissionais da saúde que prestam assistência ao paciente suspeito ou diagnosticado com COVID-19. Conteúdo: A pandemia de COVID-19 traz o desafio para profissionais da saúde em lidar com sua própria saúde m...

Modelo y pautas operativas para la revisión y supervisión éticas de las investigaciones relacionadas con COVID-19, 15 de abril de 2020

Como respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19, las investigaciones relacionadas con la salud se han multiplicado y se están conduciendo ensayos clínicos y otras investigaciones con seres humanos para buscar tratamientos y vacunas eficaces y seguros para la COVID-19. En este contexto, los comités de ética ...