Resultados: 3

Results of the implementation of integrated care after cardiorespiratory arrest in a university hospital

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify the care measures performed after cardiorespiratory arrest (CRA) and to relate them to the neurological status and survival at four moments: within the first 24 hours, at the discharge, six months after discharge, and one year after discharge. Method: retrospective, ana...

Sobrevivência a parada cardiorrespiratória intra-hospitalar: revisão integrativa da literatura

Rev. eletrônica enferm; 17 (3), 2015
Muitas são as vidas perdidas por Parada Cardiorrespiratória (PCR) em ambiente intra-hospitalar, porém existem poucos estudos a respeito. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre a sobrevivência a PCR intra-hospitalar. Revisão integrativa da liter...

The use of a metronome during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the emergency room of a university hospital

ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the rate of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and death after cardiac arrest, with and without the use of a metronome during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Method: case-control study nested in a cohort study including 285 adults who experienced cardiac arrest...