Resultados: 24

Rastreio de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos em mulheres no pós-parto: estudo descritivo

OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos vivenciados por mulheres durante os quatro primeiros meses de pós-parto. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa. Realizou-se a coleta de dados com 86 mulheres na Zona Oeste de São Paulo. Foram aplicados três instrumen...

Ansiedade em puérperas em maternidade de alto risco

Objetivo: identificar a média do traço e o estado de ansiedade entre puérperas e verificar sua relação com as características sociodemográficas, reprodutivas e a experiência de violência. Método: trata-se de estudo quantitativo, descritivo, tipo transversal, com 302 mulheres com, pelo menos, 24...

Ansiedade e desfechos clínicos em pacientes coronariopatas submetidos ao cateterismo não programado

Resumo Objetivos Descrever o nível de ansiedade traço e estado em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda submetidos a cateterismo não programado; verificar a influência da ansiedade traço na ansiedade estado antes e após o cateterismo e verificar se a ansiedade (traço e estado) é preditiva d...

Prevalence of anxious and depressive symptoms in college students of a public institution

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: Identify the prevalence of anxious and depressive symptoms and their correlations with sociodemographic and occupational characteristics in university students. Method: This is census, cross-sectional and analytical study, developed with nursing students of a federal public universi...

Anxiety symptoms and quality of interaction among oncology nurses: a correlational, cross-sectional study

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (5), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE To explore the severity of Anxiety Symptoms (AS) among Greek oncology nursing personnel, the degree of satisfaction from professional relationships, and potential association between them. METHOD A descriptive cross-sectional correlational study was performed in 2 Greek Oncology Hosp...

Prevalence and factors associated with preoperative anxiety in children aged 5-12 years

Abstract Objective: to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with preoperative anxiety in children who wait for outpatient surgery. Method: cross-sectional analysis of baseline data of a prospective cohort study that investigates the predictors of postoperative pain in children aged 5-12 years...

Level of anxiety versus self-care in the preoperative and postoperative periods of total laryngectomy patients

Abstract Objective: estimate the prevalence of anxiety in laryngectomy patients in the pre and postoperative periods and its relation with the self-care level. Method: observational research of 40 patients with stage IV laryngeal cancer. Three observations took place: in the preoperative phase, at se...

Ansiedade no período pré-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca

Rev. bras. enferm; 69 (2), 2016
RESUMO Objetivo: caracterizar a ansiedade dos pacientes no pré-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Método: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal no qual 106 pacientes, entre um e cinco dias da data da cirurgia, foram entrevistados utilizando-se um questionário sócio-demográfico próprio e o ...

Anxiety in children following hospitalization: a proposal for a nursing diagnosis

Objective: to describe the process of developing a nursing diagnosis regarding child anxiety following hospitalization, which is to be submitted to the international classification for nursing practice, in accordance with the guidelines set out by the International Council of Nurses and the ISO standard ...

Postoperative self-efficacy and psychological morbidity in radical prostatectomy

Objective: evaluate the general and perceived self-efficacy, psychological morbidity, and knowledge about postoperative care of patients submitted to radical prostatectomy. Identify the relationships between the variables and know the predictors of self-efficacy.Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study...