Resultados: 35

Degree in Nursing: education through problem-based learning

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe how undergraduate courses in Nursing are using the problem-based learning (PBL). Method: Integrative literature review, from searches in the databases Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs), and Pub...

Arquétipos discentes: percepções de docentes de enfermagem

Objetivo: Conhecer, na percepção dos docentes, quais as atitudes discentes que contribuem para a formação em enfermagem. Método: O estudo caracteriza-se como descritivo, exploratório, tipo qualitativo. Os resultados da pesquisa advêm de entrevistas com 46 docentes inseridos em dois cursos de unive...

Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem na perspectiva do docente

J. Health NPEPS; 4 (1), 2019
Objetivo: identificar como os docentes se preparam para ensinar a sistematização da assistência de enfermagem. Método: trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo e com abordagem qualitativa, realizado em 2017, em uma instituição pública de ensino superior. Os dados foram coletados utilizando-...

The training and praxis of the nurse in the light of nursing theories

ABSTRACT Objective: to report the experience of the development of nursing knowledge from nursing theories and points of contact with the nurse's praxis. Method: case report on the reflections on contents addressed in the discipline offered in the Graduate Program in Nursing in a federal public univers...

Relación entre estrategias de aprendizaje y rendimiento académico: estudiantes de enfermería, Universidad Santo Tomás

Enferm. univ; 16 (1), 2019
Resumen Las estrategias de aprendizaje son actividades o procesos mentales que llevan a cabo los/as estudiantes, intencionalmente para procesar, entender y adoptar la información que reciben en el proceso educativo. Objetivo: Describir las estrategias de aprendizaje de estudiantes de la Carrera de Enfe...

Nursing training and professional practice: an integrative review of literature

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify themes addressed in studies on the repercussions of nursing training in professional practice in Brazil. Method: this is a qualitative research, following the assumptions of Ganong's Integrative Literature Review (1987). The keywords or terms "Health Care" were used; "Nu...

Construção e validação de um objeto virtual de aprendizagem para o ensino da semiologia vascular venosa periférica

Objective: To construct and evaluate the SEMIOVAPE - a Virtual Learning Object for teaching of peripheral venous vascular semiology - based on ergonomic, pedagogical and usability criteria. Method: Methodological study, whose participants were experts in Nursing, Computer Science and Nurse undergraduate...

Teaching-learning tendencies and strategies used in the leadership development of nurses

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the tendencies and teaching-learning strategies used for leadership development in the discipline Nursing Administration in higher education institutions in Brazil. Method: Non-experimental, type survey, descriptive and exploratory, cross-sectional, with quantitative app...

E-baby integridade da pele: inovação tecnológica no ensino de enfermagem neonatal baseado em evidências

Objective: To develop and validate the serious game e-Baby: skin integrity along with a panel of experts. Method: Methodological research approaching the following development steps: scope definition, game format and functions, script and communication with software developers, creation of prototype wit...

Recontextualização macro e micropolítica do currículo integrado: percursos experimentados em um curso de enfermagem

Aim: To analyze the process of recontextualization of an integrated curriculum of Nursing Undergraduate Program. Method: Qualitative research, of a single case study, developed through documentary analysis, systematic observation and a semi-structured interview with nine teachers. Analysis of data by Cr...