Total: 77105

Percepciones de las enfermeras de oncología infantil relacionadas con el perfil, capacitación, emociones y reacciones en la valoración del niño con dolor

Horiz. enferm; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud), 2023
El cáncer es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en la niñez y la adolescencia. Tanto el impacto biopsicosocial y espiritual que produce, puede llevar al niño a experimentar dolor y sufrimiento. OBJETIVO: Comprender aspectos comunes percibidos por la enfermera oncológica y como se relacionan ...

Teoria do risco de quedas em pessoas idosas na comunidade

As taxas de quedas entre pessoas idosas na comunidade têm se mantido elevadas, apesar dos esforços em desenvolvimento de pesquisas que buscam explicar o fenômeno, descrever suas causas e consequências e maneiras de preveni-las. Pessoas com 60 anos ou mais sofrem o maior número de quedas fatais. Cont...

Supervisión de salud de niños/as con Síndrome de Down realizado por enfermera, desde la mirada de sus cuidadores

Horiz. enferm; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud), 2023
INTRODUCCION: Los niños con Síndrome de Down (SD) y sus cuidadores requieren de una atención de salud multidisciplinaria que responda a sus necesidades desde una perspectiva integral. OBJETIVO: conocer las experiencias y expectativas que tienen los cuidadores de niños con SD en relación con los cuid...

The experience of parental cancer from the parents' perspective: A qualitative study

Horiz. enferm; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud), 2023
INTRODUCTION: Parental cancer is the experience of cancer at an early age in adulthood in people with dependent children, leading to changes in parent-child interaction, family dynamics, the performance of the parental role and socio-economic difficulties. OBJECTIVE: To analyze parents’ perspectives wh...

Enfermedad crónica y control metabólico, relación con características de la atención de salud en Chile

Horiz. enferm; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud), 2023
OBJETIVO: determinar el nivel de control metabólico de las personas con hipertensión arterial (HTA) y diabetes mellitus (DM) que se atienden en el Programa de Salud Cardiovascular en la red de Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) a nivel nacional y establecer su relación con algunas características de l...

Heat waves in the Colombian Caribbean: A public health problem?

A popular belief states that if frog is submerged in a container and gradually heats it up, it will try to adapt until it dies; this is probably the situation faced by more and more human populations. As stated by thousands of scientists, academics, and researchers worldwide, the planet’s warming is di...

Environmental sustainability, the forgotten aspect that makes nursing invisible

Scientific publications in research journals have adeptly investigated into topics of considerable interest, rendering nursing care more intricate in the face of increasingly thorough investigations into numerous phenomena. This ongoing exploration contributes significantly to the body of knowledge disse...

Perceptions and feelings of pregnant women undergoing outpatient follow-up for toxoplasmosis

Introduction: Toxoplasmosis persists as a neglected disease and poses a challenge to public health, especially due to the risk of vertical transmission, which can lead to countless biological complications for the newborn and to psychological and emotional repercussions for the mother. Objective: To unde...

Work-related stress and quality of life in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic

Introduction: Work-related stress is the physical and emotional manifestation triggered by an imbalance in coping with perceived demands. One of the workers most affected by work-related stress is the nursing staff, a situation that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and could affect their qual...

Primary health care: Nurses’ meanings in a Colombian municipality

Introduction: Primary health care is a strategy that involves the different health professionals and other agents in the system who can influence the social determinants that affect human wellbeing. Objective: To know the meanings about primary health care of nursing professionals practicing in this fiel...