Total: 77105

Factors associated with increased lactate levels in cardiac surgeries: scoping review

ABSTRACT Objectives: to map the factors associated with increased lactate levels in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery using extracorporeal circulation. Methods: this is a scoping review carried out in December 2022, across ten data sources. It was prepared in accordance with the recommendatio...

Cultural adaptation and validity evidence of the Student Nurse Stressor-15 (SNS-15) Scale for Brazil

ABSTRACT Objectives: to carry out the cultural adaptation and evaluation of validity evidence of the Student Nurse Stressor-15 (SNS-15) Scale for use in Brazil. Methods: psychometric study, conducted from the stages of translation, synthesis, back-translation, review by a committee of seven experts, pr...

Health Management of an HIV Testing and Counseling Center: Nursing Contributions

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the role of nursing in the establishment of an HIV/AIDS Testing and Counseling Center in a Brazilian municipality. Methods: a historical study utilizing primary sources, including documents and oral accounts, involving a total of ten participants. The study encompasses t...

Is there scientific relevance to the plot of films and documentaries about eating disorders?

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze films and documentaries about eating disorders from the last twenty years, identifying the way they approach the topic as well as their relevance for didactic use in teaching the health field. Methods: a descriptive study, whose data collection was carried out on the mai...

Effects of training Community Health Agents on dementia: a quasi-experimental study

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the knowledge of Community Health Agents about dementia before and after the training workshop for detecting signs of the disease. Methods: a quasi-experimental study with 33 community agents, in which sociodemographic information and knowledge about dementia were colle...

Use of podcasts for health education: a scoping review

ABSTRACT Objectives: to map the scientific evidence related to the characteristics, themes, and outcomes of using health education podcasts aimed at individuals over 18 years of age in intra or extrahospital environments. Methods: a scoping review, based on the Joanna Briggs Institute method, conducted...

Nurses' workload during the COVID-19 pandemic: potential for experiences of moral distress

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 77 (supl.4), 2024
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand nurses' experiences of moral distress related to work overload during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Methods: qualitative research, whose data collection occurred through individual interviews with 19 nurses who worked on the front line of COVID-19 in health service...

Nursing rights in comics: educational technological innovation report

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 77 (supl.4), 2024
ABSTRACT Objectives: to report an educational technology construction on nursing professionals' rights. Methods: an experience report on educational technology construction during the crediting of university extension hours in an undergraduate nursing course at a Brazilian public university, between Ma...

Contribuições de crianças e adolescentes ao processo de hospitalização: subsídios para o cuidado de enfermagem

A hospitalização afasta a criança e o adolescente da vida cotidiana, do espaço familiar, dos amigos e das brincadeiras. Quando hospitalizados, vivenciam um ambiente muitas vezes de incertezas, permeado por novas rotinas, odores específicos, procedimentos dolorosos, equipamentos estranhos e pessoas d...

Cuidados paliativos e histórias de vida: a assistência à saúde na perspectiva dos usuários

O envelhecimento populacional associado ao aumento progressivo da ocorrência do câncer tem mudado o perfil da mortalidade da população, o que exige do Sistema Único de Saúde uma organização para o oferecimento de cuidados a pessoas com câncer avançado, em cuidados paliativos. O objetivo deste e...