Total: 77083

Outcomes of Intrauterine Device Insertion by Certified Midwives and Obstetric Nurse Practitioners

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the outcomes of Interval Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD) insertion performed by certified midwives and obstetric nurse practitioners at a Peri-Hospital Birth Center. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted involving 75 women who underwent IUD insertion between J...

Analysis of the development of children discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit from parents' point of view

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the development of children discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and how hospitalization interferes with child development, from parents' point of view. Methods: a descriptive-exploratory, documentary and qualitative study, carried out with parents of childre...

Mental suffering in family daily life: a temporal journey according to Merleau-Ponty

ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe the family's experience in relation to daily life with a family member experiencing mental suffering. Methods: a qualitative, descriptive, phenomenological study grounded in Merleau-Ponty's ontology of experience was conducted in ten households in a city in the state of...

ICNP® terminological subset for people with diabetic foot ulcer in primary health care

ABSTRACT Objectives: to elaborate an ICNP® terminological subset for people with diabetic foot ulcers in Primary Health Care. Methods: this is a methodological study that followed five steps: 1) Identification of relevant terms for the patients through an integrative literature review and official doc...

Applying Lean Healthcare in the hospitalization and patient discharge process: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify scientific evidence regarding the use of Lean Healthcare approach in the hospitalization and patient discharge process. Methods: this is an Integrative Review conducted in the PubMed, LILACS, SCOPUS, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Embase databases. Results: out of 904 rec...

The effectiveness of using interactive multimodality books in pediatric nursing in implementing Merdeka Belajar program

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyzing the Effectiveness of Using Interactive Multimodality Books in Pediatric Nursing on Student Learning Outcomes in Implementing the Merdeka Belajar Program. Methods: the research design used a quasi-experimental approach with a posttest control group design. The sample in...

Prenatal assessment of high-risk pregnancies in primary and specialized outpatient care: a mixed study

ABSTRACT Objectives: to assess high-risk prenatal care and identify strategies for improving care. Methods: a mixed study of a prospective cohort, with 319 mothers in a public maternity hospital, from October 2016 to August 2017, using a semi-structured instrument and interview. Analysis was performed ...

Time to act sustainably: Why can't we wait any longer?

ABSTRACT Objectives: to raise reflections on the need for health services and professionals to implement sustainable actions, aiming at their own survival and that of the planet. Methods: reflective essay based on international reports regarding the impact of climate change on people's health and the r...

HeLP: Development of occupational protection mask against surgical smoke

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.4), 2023
ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe a technological innovation in the development of an individual, ergonomic, sustainable and effective occupational respiratory protection mask for workers exposed to surgical smoke. Methods: applied, exploratory, quantitative research, using design methods and tools: Sen...

Elaboration and validity of the Instrumento para Avaliação de Modelos metodológicos voltados ao Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.4), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: to elaborate and validate the Instrumento para Avaliação de Modelos metodológicos voltados ao Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias. Methods: a methodological study, developed in three stages: instrument structuring through documentary research and researchers' expertise; instrument val...