Resultados: 606

Registro do processo de enfermagem para pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares: revisão integrativa

Aim: to identify the publications related to the registration of the nursing process for patients with cardiovascular diseases. Method: integrative review, carried out using the MEDLINE, CINAHL and LILACS databases, based on a 10-year temporal cut-off. Seven articles, d...

Teoria de tornar-se humano para a classificação terminológica da enfermagem do trabalho

Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (4), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo: estruturar um subconjunto terminológico para a enfermagem do trabalho, com base teórica a identificação de termos relacionados com a enfermagem nos protocolos de saúde ambiental e do trabalhador e na Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem. Método: estudo meto...

Implementação de diagnósticos e cuidados de enfermagem pós sonda nasoenteral em serviço de emergência*

Cogit. Enferm. (Online); 22 (4), 2017
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a frequência de diagnósticos de enfermagem e cuidados relacionados à inserção e manutenção de sonda nasoenteral. Coorte prospectiva de adultos de uma emergência, em hospital universitário do sul do Brasil, entre abril e julho de 2015. Os pa...

Diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem em pacientes com lesão renal aguda

Resumo Objetivo: Identificar prevalência de diagnósticos (DE), resultados (RE) e intervenções de enfermagem (IE) em pacientes com lesão renal aguda (LRA) internados em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). Correlacionar DE, RE e IE identificados. Métodos: Estudo transversal, conduzido em Unidades d...

Conceptual and operational definitions of the components of the nursing diagnosis Acute Pain (00132)

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop the operational and conceptual definitions of the defining characteristics and related factors of the nursing diagnosis Acute Pain (00132) for nonverbal critically ill patients. Method: integrative literature review in the databases/libraries: Medical Literature Analysis ...

Validation of nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes in a pediatric clinic

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objectives: To elaborate operational definitions for the Nomenclature nursing diagnoses, interventionsand outcomes of the Pediatric Clinic at a University Hospital and carry out a validation of the content and clinical aspects of this Nomenclature. Method: Methodological research, developed in...

Signs and symptoms in Gaucher Disease: priority nursing diagnoses

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: Identify the signs and symptoms of patients with Gaucher Disease, inferring possible priority nursing diagnoses. Method: Cross-sectional study, developed in a specialized laboratory, between 2013 and 2015. The sample (n = 91) comprised the records of patients with genetic diagnosis ...

Respiratory status of adult patients in the postoperative period of thoracic or upper abdominal surgeries

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the respiratory status of postoperative adult patients by assessing the nursing outcome Respiratory Status. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study developed with 312 patients. Eighteen NOC indicators were assessed and rated using a Likert-scale questionnaire and defi...

Analysis of ineffective breathing pattern and impaired spontaneous ventilation of adults with oxygen therapy

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the manifestation of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnoses of ineffective breathing pattern and impaired spontaneous ventilation, of the NANDA International and the defining characteristics identified in the literature for the concept of "ventilation" in ad...

Perfil de diagnósticos de enfermería en personas hipertensas y diabéticas

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (2), 2017
Objective. To identify the profile of nursing diagnoses in people with hypertension and diabetes in primary health care. Methods. A cross-sectional study involving 175 individuals followed up in eight primary health units of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data collection was made through interview and physical e...