Resultados: 1601

The effects of a brief supportive psychotherapeutic intervention among hemodialyzed patients: a quasi-experimental study

ABSTRACT Objectives to assess health-related quality of life and resilience among hemodialyzed patients in the city of Porto, Portugal, before and after the Relaxation, Mental Images and Spirituality psychotherapeutic intervention, and identify factors interfering in these patients' levels of resilience...

Qualidade de vida e transtornos mentais em cuidadores de crianças com necessidades especiais

Rev Rene (Online); 22 (), 2021
RESUMO Objetivo analisar a relação entre qualidade de vida e presença de transtorno mental comum em cuidadores de crianças que necessitam de atenção especial à saúde. Métodos estudo transversal com 87 cuidadores de crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde. Utilizaram-se um questionári...

Association between spirituality and quality of life of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify whether there is an association between spirituality/religiosity and quality of life of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy. Method: Cross-sectional, quantitative study performed between May and July 2019 in an Oncology Hospital of Porto Alegre state, Brazil. ...

Factors associated to quality of life in people with intestinal stomas

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the quality of life of people with intestinal stoma and its association with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Method: Cross-sectional and analytical study conducted with people with intestinal stoma. An instrument was used for sociodemographic and clinical ch...

Work conditions and their repercussions on the quality of life of rural workers

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the context of work and analyze their repercussions on the quality of life of rural workers in soybean agribusiness. Method: Cross-sectional study, with an intentional sample of rural workers, conducted between the months of October and December 2019, with the application ...

Impact of telephone monitoring on cancer patients undergoing esophagectomy and gastrectomy

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate telephone monitoring for symptoms, quality of life, distress, admissions to the emergency center and the satisfaction of cancer patients undergoing esophagectomy and gastrectomy. Method: Randomized controlled study in two groups, carried out at the Cancer Institute of ...

Implications of self-reported fragility on the quality of life of older adults: a cross-sectional study

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the association between self-reported fragility and quality of life in older adults. Method: Cross-sectional study carried out with Brazilian older adults between July and October 2020. Three instruments were applied to obtain bio sociodemographic, frailty data and qualit...

Fatores associados à fragilidade em idosos acompanhados na Atenção Primária à Saúde

Resumo Objetivo Verificar a associação entre os marcadores de fragilidade e as características sociodemográficas e clínicas em idosos na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método Pesquisa transversal, realizada com 356 idosos cadastrados em unidades de saúde da família, no Nordeste do Brasil. Os in...

Factors associated with chemsex in Portugal during the COVID-19 pandemic

Objective: to investigate the factors associated with the practice of sex under the influence of drugs (chemsex) among Portuguese men who have sex with men during the period of social distancing to prevent the COVID-19. Method: online survey applied in May 2020 to a sample of 1,301 participants living i...

Scale for assessing the quality of life of women with Human Papillomavirus infection

ABSTRACT Objectives: to develop and validate a scale for assessing the quality of life of women with Human Papillomavirus infection. Methods: a methodological study to develop the stages of item elaboration, apparent and content validation, semantic validation, pre-test, item allocation in domains, and...