Últimos registros ingresados en BDENF | Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería

Total: 77105

Play into the domestic routine to promote child development: cross-sectional study

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the association between the incorporation of play into the domestic routine of caregivers, and the child development of children under their care. Method: Cross-sectional study conducted with 129 caregiver-child dyads aged 12-23 months, living in the southern region of SÃ...

Culture circle with community health workers about (lack of) knowledge and stigma of leprosy

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the construction aboutthe (lack of) knowledge and stigma of leprosy by Community Health Workers participating in the Culture Circle. Method: Qualitative, action-research type study supported by the Paulo Freire Culture Circle framework, carried out with 21 Community He...

Sociodemographic profile and gestacional aspects of women with hiv/aids in Curitiba, Brazil

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the sociodemographic and gestational profile of HIV-positive women in Curitiba-PR, years 2018-2020. Method: Observational, cross-sectional research, with data obtained from the Information System of Diseases of Notification of Pregnant Women. Data were analyzed for con...

Spiritual growth, sense of coherence and self-efficacy of family caregivers of people with disabilities

ABSTRACT Objective: Analyze the spiritual growth of family caregivers of people with severe disabilities who reside in the Metropolitan District of Quito and identify the cognitive-affective factors, bio-sociocultural characteristics and care characteristics that model it. Method: Cross-sectional stu...

Pressure injury after COVID-19 treated with adjuvant laser therapy: a case study

ABSTRACT Objective: To report adjuvant laser therapy treatament in a pressure injury patient after COVID-19. Method: A case report carried out at the ambulatory of a universitary hospital in southern Brazil. Results: The nursing diagnosis of pressure injury was primarily listed. The result Wound He...

Incidence of malaria among indigenous people associated with the presence of artisanal mining

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the incidence of malaria among indigenous people associated with the presence of artisanal miningin the state of Pará. Method: Analytical, cross-sectional study conducted with 20,774 cases of malaria in indigenous people in the state of Pará (2011 to 2020). The data cam...

Children and adolescents living with HIV: participatory health care proposal

ABSTRACT Objective: To present a proposal for participatory health care based on the Human Rights of children and adolescents living with HIV. Method: Qualitative study with participatory approach that used the Sensitive Creative Method. The participants were 16 health professionals from three Specia...

Quality of life at work and Burnout in family health strategy workers

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the correlation between quality of life at work and Burnout in workers in the Family Health Strategy. Methods: Correlational, cross-sectional study carried out with 112 workers, in the pandemic period (October/2020 to June/2021), in Palmas/Tocantins. The Quality of Work L...

Computerization of risk prediction scale: strategy for safety and quality of care

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the development of computerization of risk prediction scales used by nursing in the AGHUse® system. Method: An experience report of technological production at a university hospital, which followed the phases of conception, detailing, construction and prototyping. Resu...

Fourth Generation Evaluation as a path for Knowledge Translation in mental health

ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the use of the Fourth Generation Evaluation methodology as a powerful theoretical-methodological path for the implementation of Knowledge Translation in child and adolescent mental health. Method: It comprises the description of the stages and fieldwork of a research tha...