Resultados: 105

Perfil epidemiológico, clínico e bioquímico de pacientes acompanhados em um modelo de atenção às condições crônicas

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 19 (), 2020
Objective:To identify the epidemiological and clinical profile of patients with chronic diseases,assisted by the Model Program for Attention to Chronic Conditions in a Health Region Department in the Southwest of Paraná. Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a q...

Área de armazenamento de produtos para saúde: repensando a frequência da descontaminação de prateleiras

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 19 (), 2020
Objective: To evaluate the potential risk for related events, inherent to the decontamination process of storage area shelves. Method:Related events were recorded in a checklist, previously evaluated by specialists, through direct non-participant observation in 10 work shifts a...

Prática da automedicação entre estudantes de enfermagem de instituição de ensino superior

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 19 (), 2020
Objective: To know the prevalence, medications used, and main reasons behind self-medication among nursing students at a higher education institution. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach and a sample of 126 students enrolled in the nursing undergraduate cour...

Patient safety incidents reported by relatives of hospitalized children

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 41 (spe), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To know the main safety incidents reported by relatives of patients hospitalized in pediatric units. Methods: This is a qualitative research with exploratory-descriptive design. Data were collected between April 2016 and December 2017, in three hospitals in Porto Alegre/RS. A total ...

Drug use by men admitted to a psychiatric hospital*

Objective: to assess risk related to drug use in men admitted to a psychiatric hospital and to identify associations with sociodemographic, socioeconomic variables, and risk conditions. Method: a cross-sectional study with the application of a screening test in 209 participants hospitalized for mental a...

Riscos potenciais no processo de preparo e administração de medicamentos por via intravenosa: revisão literária de ações integradas para alívio da dor e educação em saúde

Objective: The study’s main purpose has been to analyze scientific articles on the world scenario about nursing interventions in the process of preparation and administration of intravenous drugs, risks inherent in professional practice and actions integrated with medical prescription. Methods: It is a...

Classification of clinical risk in people with AIDS followed up in specialized care

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT Aim: To develop a clinical risk stratification score for people living with AIDS and to analyze its association with clinical and sociodemographic aspects. Method: Cross-sectional study involving 150 adults with AIDS, in outpatient follow-up. A structured instrument was applied and, sequential...

Perception of risk and behaviors associated with driving under the effects of alcohol and marijuana on university students of Venezuela

Texto & contexto enferm; 28 (spe), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the relationship between risk perception and the behaviors associated with driving under the influence of drugs. Method: quantitative cross-sectional study. The sample is composed by university students (n=383, average age 21.2 years). To evaluate the behaviors, items f...

Perception of harms and benefits associated with marijuana use among adolescents in st kitts-nevis - caribe

Texto & contexto enferm; 28 (spe), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: this investigation examined adolescents' perception of the harms and benefits of marijuana use and how regulatory changes may affect their intent to use marijuana. Method: this cross-sectional survey gathered data from 268 15 to 17 years old students who were enrolled in public sec...