Resultados: 13

O papel do agente comunitário de saúde no fortalecimento da educação popular em saúde

Objective: To discuss the Community Health Agent (CHA)’s role as a popular educator. Methods: Qualitative methodology, based on dialogic conception of action-research, using as methodological procedures focal group’s interview and workshops, and content analysis. Subjects were 14 CHA from two Programma...

Ciência, enfermagem e pensamento crítico – reflexões epistemológicas

Objetivo: promover reflexões epistemológicas sobre a ciência Enfermagem e ao pensamento crítico. Método: estudo descritivo, tipo ensaio reflexivo, produzido a partir de leituras de livros clássicos que versam sobre a filosofia da ciência e artigos científicos capturados no portal da Biblioteca ...

Determination or determinants? A debate based on the Theory on the Social Production of Health

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 49 (1), 2015
This article aims to discuss the concepts of Social Determination of Health and Social Determinants of Health, by establishing a comparison between each of their guiding perspectives and investigating their implications on the development of health policies and health actions. We propose a historical and...