Resultados: 63

Scientific production indicators and researchers training in the Brazilian Collective Health

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the scientific production, generation of patents and researchers training among Brazilian Collective Health professors who were awarded a Pq/CNPq productivity scholarship from 2000 to 2012 and to verify the existence of an association between these production modalities a...

Evaluation of Primary Health Care attributes of Fortaleza city, Ceará State, Brazil

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the Primary Health Care attributes of Fortaleza city, Ceará State. Method: Evaluative study carried out at 97 Primary Health Care Units, from August 2015 to June 2016. 451 professionals from the Family Health Strategy participated in the study. We used the Primary Care ...

Evaluation of the health attention to pregnant women with HIV: comparison between primary and specialized service

ABSTRACT The public network for health care of pregnant women with HIV, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil, includes primary and specialized care services. Objective: Evaluating whether the type of service interferes in the quality score of the health care in the experience of the pregnant women w...

Health literacy and adherence to drug treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the relationship between health literacy and medication adherence of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study developed in five Family Health Strategies in the city of Picos, Piauí. Participants comprised 78 users of health servi...

Fatores associados à realização do exame citopatológico em mulheres profissionais do sexo

Rev. baiana enferm; 32 (), 2018
Objetivos estimar a prevalência autorreferida da realização do exame citopatológico do colo do útero em mulheres profissionais do sexo e investigar a associação entre a realização desse teste e os dados socioeconômicos e comportamentais. Método estudo analítico transversal, com 416 mulhere...

Capacitación y desempeño laboral en enfermería: Parte II Efecto de la capacitación en el desempeño de la jefa de piso

Con el propósito de explorar el desempeño en la categoría de jefe de piso de enfermería, se realizó este estudio en dos hospitales generales de zona de Aguascalientes. Como variables de confusión potenciales se tomaron en cuenta antigüedad en el cargo, nivel de escolaridad (técnico o licenciatura...

Educational program for coronary artery disease patients: results after one year

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (6), 2018
ASTRACT Objective: To evaluate the long-term results of an educational program compared to usual care. Method: A longitudinal study in which 56 participants from a previous study (randomized controlled clinical trial) were evaluated twelve months after the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Heal...

Fatores relacionados à autoaplicação de insulina em indivíduos com diabetes mellitus

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 39 (), 2018
Resumo OBJETIVO Identificar os fatores associados à autoaplicação de insulina em adultos com Diabetes Mellitus. MÉTODO Estudo transversal desenvolvido no município de Viçosa-MG, que avaliou 142 pacientes. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre abril e julho de 2013 mediante entrevista no domicíli...

Óbitos perinatais evitáveis por intervenções do Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 39 (), 2018
Resumo OBJETIVO Descrever características epidemiológicas dos óbitos perinatais por ações do Sistema Público de Saúde. MÉTODOS Estudo descritivo de análise temporal, população composta por óbitos perinatais de mães residentes no Recife, 2010-2014. Utilizado Lista de causas de mortes evitá...

Epidemiological overview of HIV/AIDS in pregnant women from a state of northeastern Brazil

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To learn the epidemiological characteristics of HIV infection in pregnant women. Method: Descriptive study with quantitative approach. The study population was composed of pregnant women with HIV/AIDS residing in the state of Alagoas. Data were organized into variables and analyzed ...