Objectives: describe care needs and demands that mark the discursive practices of ostomized clients and family members and discuss guidelines for a comprehensive care program to ostomized clients and their families, organized by macrosociological categories. Method: Creative and Sensitive, involving 17 ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the effectiveness of nursing orientation provided to families of patients in the immediate post-operative following cardiac surgery before the first visit to the post-anesthesia care unit, in decreasing anxiety levels, compared to the unit's routine orientation. Method: ...
Abstract Objective: to evaluate the effect and gender differences of an innovative intervention involving in-person and telephone nursing counseling to control cardiovascular risk factors (arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, and overweight), improve health-related quality of life and strengthen self-e...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to search for nursing interventions focused on the improvement of quality of life and promotion of self-care of adolescents suffering from the Cystic Fibrosis. Method: literature review. The inclusion criteria were: primary studies and studies with interventions developed by nurses...
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the effect of progressive muscle relaxation as a nursing procedure on the levels of stress for sufferers of multiple sclerosis. Method: random clinical trials conducted at the Neurology outpatients unit at a University Hospital. The sample consisted of 40 patients who ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the nursing care missed as perceived by the nursing staff and its relation with the nursing care missed identified in the assessment of patients at risk of or having pressur ulcers. Method: descriptive correlation study. The participants were 161 nurses and 483 patients...
Objetivo: Analisar, a partir de um perfil ocupacional, os aspectos da sintomatologia osteomuscular e da qualidade de vida (QV) de trabalhadores notificados como portadores de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT) no estado de Sergipe. Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada entre os mes...
Objetivo: Descrever as práticas da equipe de enfermagem no manejo da dor em recém-nascidos submetidos à inserção do cateter central de inserção periférica (PICC) em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN). Métodos: Estudo descritivo, exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido a ...
Objetivo: Discutir o fluxo assistencial das mulheres com resultado do exame citopatológico alterado em uma rede de atenção à saúde. Métodos: Estudo transversal em uma microrregião composta por sete municípios em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Foram mapeados os pontos de atenção em todos os nívei...
RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o perfil de medicamentos orais padronizados em uma unidade hospitalar e verificar sua adequação quanto ao uso por cateteres enterais, de acordo com recomendações da literatura. Método: estudo descritivo, com dados sobre medicamentos coletados do Sistema de Dispensação ...