Objetivo: evaluar si se cumplió la meta del Gobierno de Colombia para el 2014 de que el 20 % de los graduandos de programas de enfermería de las instituciones colombianas de educación superior se clasifiquen en nivel intermedio o superior en inglés. Metodología: se emplearon los...
Objetivo: Relatar a experiência de discentes de enfermagem em uma unidade de produção de equipamentos de proteção individual durante a pandemia do SARS-CoV-2. Metodologia: Relato de experiência de um estágio curricular obrigatório desenvolvido em uma cidade do Centro-Oeste do Brasil, no ano de 20...
RESUMO Objetivo: identificar os níveis de estresse percebido em estudantes de graduação em Enfermagem em uma universidade pública no Sul do Brasil. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados entre dezembro de 2018 e março de 2019, por meio de escal...
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the prevalence of burnout and its relationship with the academic satisfaction of nursing students in traditional and integrated curricula. Method: Quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, and analytical descriptive study with nursing undergraduates in two public unive...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction and self-confidence of undergraduate nursing students' learning in a scenario of realistic clinical simulation with the theme of advanced cardiopulmonary arrest maneuvers. Method: Exploratory-descriptive study, with a quantitative approach. In order to e...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate distorted self-perception and dissatisfaction with body image among nursing students. Method: Cross-sectional study with students from a public university. Self-perception and satisfaction with body image were assessed using the Figure Rating Scale and the Body Shape Qu...
Objective: to evaluate the frequency and factors associated to disapproval among nursing students. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study, outlined by the convergent mixed method. A total of 88 nursing students of a Brazilian public university took part. The Reduced Academic Experiences Questio...
Objective: to assess the evidence of validity and reliability of the academic motivation scale (AMS) based on the internal structure. Method: this is a methodological study with 205 undergraduate nursing students. Dimensionality/internal structure of the AMS was assessed using factor analysis in the co...
Objective: to make and validate an educational video about the management of pediatric cardiopulmonary arrest caused by respiratory failure. Method: methodological study developed in three stages: preparation and validation of a clinical case; production; and validation of educational video. To build th...
Objective: to evaluate the contribution of an instructional module identifying the number and characteristics of lymph nodes by undergraduate nursing students. Method: an experimental, randomized, controlled and masked study using an instructional module for intervention. The 68 students who made up the...