Resultados: 6250

Construcción colectiva de un concepto de cuidado humanizado en enfermería

Cienc. enferm; 21 (2), 2015
Objetivo: Construir colectivamente un concepto de cuidado humanizado de enfermería en dos hospitales universitarios de Bogotá D.C. Método: Investigación cualitativa, dialéctica participativa de enfoque histórico-hermenéutico. Se hicieron ocho grupos focales y una entrevista semiestructurada para u...

Avaliação da adesão do checklist de cirurgia segura em hospital universitário público

Rev. SOBECC; 20 (3), 2015
Objetivo: avaliar a adesão ao checklist em cirurgias realizadas em um hospital escola público, bem como identificar o perfil do paciente com a sua utilização. Método: estudo descritivo realizado no centro cirúrgico do Hospital Universitário de Londrina (PR), Brasil, nos meses de agosto a dezembro ...

Validation of the self-confidence scale of nursing care in urinary retention

Objective: to validate an instrument to measure self-confidence of nursing care in urinary retention.Methods: methodological research study, carried out after ethical approval. A Likert-like scale of 32 items related to nursing care in urinary retention was applied to students of the graduate nursing cou...

Risk factor for phlebitis: a questionnaire study of nurses' perception

AbstractObjectives: to assess nurses' perceptions of risk factors for the development of phlebitis, with a special focus on the perception of phlebitic potentials of some infusion medications and solutions.Method: a cross-sectional questionnaire study, which included a sample of 102 nurses.Results: Nurse...

Impacts of neolbberalism on hospital nursing work

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe and analyze the implications of the neoliberal model in the dynamics of hospital work, in the view of the nursing workers. It is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research. The scenario is a teaching hospital, and the subjects are 17 nursing workers. The colle...

Nursing work organization in long-stay institutions for the elderly: relationship to pleasure and suffering at work

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
The aim of this study was to understand the nursing work organization in long-stay institutions for the elderly and its relationship to pleasure and suffering at work. Data were collected through observation and interviews between April and September 2013 and submitted to content analysis, in light of De...

Legalization ofnnurse prescribing of medication in Brazil: history, trends and challenges

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify the legal and normative contours of nurse prescribing of medications in Brazil, showing its history, trends and challenges. It is an exploratory study conducted through desk research of nursing law, the Health Ministry and the health sector norms to address this issu...

Strategies of fmmilies in the care of children with chronic diseases

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
ABSTRACTthis study aimed to know the strategies of families in the care of children with chronic diseases. A descriptive and exploratory research was carried out using a qualitative approach, in a Pediatric Unit of a university hospital in the south of Brazil, during the first and second halves of 2013. ...

Regional nursing council of Santa Catarina (1975-1986): importance for the profession

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
Socio-historical and qualitative study aiming to rescue the establishment process of the Regional Nursing Council of Santa Catarina and characterize its importance to the profession. It presents its theoretical support on the ideas of Eliot Freidson and New History. In the method, oral history and docume...

The professiona satisfaction of the nursing tem vs. work conditions and relattions: a relational stddy

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
ABSTRACTThis relational, transversal and quantitative study aimed to test the association of sociodemographic and professional variables with the job satisfaction of hospital nursing teams and to ascertain whether the work relations and conditions influenced the professional satisfaction of the same team...